
This simple how-to instructs the reader on how to start a configured installation from the ground up.


A Kubernetes cluster is required. Basic knowledge of linux system operations, Docker containers, Kubernetes clusters is required. A valid access to Henshin Group’s Gitlab Registry is required to download the pre-built images.

Preliminary work

A Kubernetes secret must be registered for pulling container images from the registry.

On the Kubernetes Master, run

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL

If needed, refer to Kubernetes documentation to tune image pulling permissions and/or access control.

Then create a configmap, e.g. editing an example one, with the settings for your Movens installation.

For example:

$ kubectl apply -f movens-config.yaml

Starting the cluster

To start the cluster, download the all-in-one manifests for the modules to load from the correct repository.

Feel free to edit the manifests to tune the parameters that apply to your installation, e.g. the number of replicas or S3 storage endpoint.

Once edited to fit, apply it to the master, e.g.:

$ kubectl apply -f movens-allinone.yaml

The cluster initializes itself with an Administrator user, with a fixed password password. Please login to the administration console and immediately proceed in changing the default password to a secure one.

Depending on Kubernetes configuration (public Node ports, load balancers, etc.) the public-facing http services may be accessible on different ports/IP addresses.