Alarm - Alarms

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all business-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get alarm

Gets details about a specific alarm:

GET /v1/alarms/{alarmId}

Returns detail for alarm

  • alarmId (integer) – Alarm ID

Status Codes
alarmId: Alarm ID (int)

Returns a plain Json negative message if there was a problem retrieving the detail or a Json positive response with the requested details:

  ID: 1234,                                                      // Int
  Guid: '777ded6e-34f7-4af9-88de-bb3b1ae06878',                  // Guid
  CreatedDate: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
  LastUpdated: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
  LastUpdatedBy: 'Operator name',                                // String (nullable)
  CommunityGuid: '3f1e45f7-a43c-499e-add4-44b64b364ebf',         // Guid
  Community: 'Community name',                                   // String
  CommunityID: 567,                                              // Int
  Type: 0,                                                       // Int
  Priority: 0,                                                   // Int
  InvolvedEntityGuid: '64aa9b62-461d-4b51-9438-6d8434a6f467',    // String
  InvolvedEntityType: 'Vehicle',                                 // String
  InvolvedEntityIdentifier: 'AA 123 BB',                         // String (nullable)
  ThresholdValue: '5',                                           // String
  Labels: '"{"en":"Type name",...}"',                            // String (nullable)
  Assignee: 'Assigned Operator',                                 // String (nullable)
  AssigneeGuid: 'c8485006-9ad9-458d-9542-1d7f3efe417b',          // Guid (nullable)
  AcknowledgementDate: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                    // Date (nullable)
  AcknowledgedBy: 'Operator name',                               // String (nullable)
  Notes: 'Some notes on the alarm'                               // String (nullable)

The fields Type and Priority can be one of the AlarmTypes (Alarm) or AlarmPriority enumerations respectively.

The field Labels contains the specific localization of the alarm type for the specific community, if any localization has been set.

Get unacknowledged alarms

Gets the list of the alarms still unacknowledged (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/alarms/unacknowledged

Returns list of unassigned/new alarms

Query Parameters
  • alarmTypes (string) – A concatenated string for the list of alarm types

  • alarmPriority (integer) – A single selected alarm priority

Status Codes

The API accepts the following filters in the query params: * alarmTypes (comma separated list of alarm types, as int value, to be extracted) * alarmPriority (single alarm priority, as int value, to be extracted)

Returns a Json positive response with the list of alarms limited by the page settings:

    ID: 1234,                                                      // Int
    Guid: '777ded6e-34f7-4af9-88de-bb3b1ae06878',                  // Guid
    CreatedDate: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
    LastUpdated: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
    LastUpdatedBy: 'Operator name',                                // String (nullable)
    CommunityGuid: '3f1e45f7-a43c-499e-add4-44b64b364ebf',         // Guid
    Community: 'Community name',                                   // String
    CommunityID: 567,                                              // Int
    Type: 0,                                                       // Int
    Priority: 0,                                                   // Int
    InvolvedEntityGuid: '64aa9b62-461d-4b51-9438-6d8434a6f467',    // String
    InvolvedEntityType: 'Vehicle',                                 // String
    InvolvedEntityIdentifier: 'AA 123 BB',                         // String (nullable)
    ThresholdValue: '5',                                           // String
    Labels: '"{"en":"Type name",...}"',                            // String (nullable)
    Notes: 'Some notes on the alarm'                               // String (nullable)
  { ... }

The fields Type and Priority can be one of the AlarmTypes (Alarm) or AlarmPriority enumerations respectively.

The field Labels contains the specific localization of the alarm type for the specific community, if any localization has been set.

Get acknowledged alarms

Gets the list of all the unhandled acknowledged alarms (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/alarms/acknowledged

Returns list of alarms assigned but not resolved

Query Parameters
  • alarmTypes (string) – A concatenated string for the list of alarm types

  • alarmPriority (integer) – A single selected alarm priority

Status Codes

The API accepts the following filters in the query params: * alarmTypes (comma separated list of alarm types, as int value, to be extracted) * alarmPriority (single alarm priority, as int value, to be extracted)

Returns a plain Json negative message if there was a problem retrieving the detail or a Json positive response with the requested details:

    ID: 1234,                                                      // Int
    Guid: '777ded6e-34f7-4af9-88de-bb3b1ae06878',                  // Guid
    CreatedDate: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
    LastUpdated: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
    LastUpdatedBy: 'Operator name',                                // String (nullable)
    CommunityGuid: '3f1e45f7-a43c-499e-add4-44b64b364ebf',         // Guid
    Community: 'Community name',                                   // String
    CommunityID: 567,                                              // Int
    Type: 0,                                                       // Int
    Priority: 0,                                                   // Int
    InvolvedEntityGuid: '64aa9b62-461d-4b51-9438-6d8434a6f467',    // String
    InvolvedEntityType: 'Vehicle',                                 // String
    InvolvedEntityIdentifier: 'AA 123 BB',                         // String (nullable)
    ThresholdValue: '5',                                           // String
    Labels: '"{"en":"Type name",...}"',                            // String (nullable)
    Assignee: 'Assigned Operator',                                 // String (nullable)
    AssigneeGuid: 'c8485006-9ad9-458d-9542-1d7f3efe417b',          // Guid (nullable)
    AcknowledgementDate: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                    // Date (nullable)
    AcknowledgedBy: 'Operator name',                               // String (nullable)
    Notes: 'Some notes on the alarm'                               // String (nullable)
  { ... }

The fields Type and Priority can be one of the AlarmTypes (Alarm) or AlarmPriority enumerations respectively.

The field Labels contains the specific localization of the alarm type for the specific community, if any localization has been set.

Get current operator alarms

Gets the list of all the unhandled alarms assigned to the current user (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/alarms/assigned-to-current

Returns list of alarms assigned to the current user

Query Parameters
  • alarmTypes (string) – A concatenated string for the list of alarm types

  • alarmPriority (integer) – A single selected alarm priority

Status Codes

The API accepts the following filters in the query params: * alarmTypes (comma separated list of alarm types, as int value, to be extracted) * alarmPriority (single alarm priority, as int value, to be extracted)

Returns a plain Json negative message if there was a problem retrieving the detail or a Json positive response with the requested details:

    ID: 1234,                                                      // Int
    Guid: '777ded6e-34f7-4af9-88de-bb3b1ae06878',                  // Guid
    CreatedDate: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
    LastUpdated: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                            // Date
    LastUpdatedBy: 'Operator name',                                // String (nullable)
    CommunityGuid: '3f1e45f7-a43c-499e-add4-44b64b364ebf',         // Guid
    Community: 'Community name',                                   // String
    CommunityID: 567,                                              // Int
    Type: 0,                                                       // Int
    Priority: 0,                                                   // Int
    InvolvedEntityGuid: '64aa9b62-461d-4b51-9438-6d8434a6f467',    // String
    InvolvedEntityType: 'Vehicle',                                 // String
    InvolvedEntityIdentifier: 'AA 123 BB',                         // String (nullable)
    ThresholdValue: '5',                                           // String
    Labels: '"{"en":"Type name",...}"',                            // String (nullable)
    Assignee: 'Assigned Operator',                                 // String (nullable)
    AssigneeGuid: 'c8485006-9ad9-458d-9542-1d7f3efe417b',          // Guid (nullable)
    AcknowledgementDate: '2020-01-01 01:30:00',                    // Date (nullable)
    AcknowledgedBy: 'Operator name',                               // String (nullable)
    Notes: 'Some notes on the alarm'                               // String (nullable)
  { ... }

The fields Type and Priority can be one of the AlarmTypes (Alarm) or AlarmPriority enumerations respectively.

The field Labels contains the specific localization of the alarm type for the specific community, if any localization has been set.

Edit alarm notes

Persists edits about an existing alarm:

POST /v1/alarms

Set notes on specified alarm

Status Codes

With a request body like this

  ID: 123,                // Int (required)
  Notes: "Some notes"     // String

It will return a plain Json positive response if the record was successfully added or updated.

Some of the possible error messages are:


No alarm to edit was found for the provided ID, or no ID was provided

Acknowledge alarm

Persists edits about an existing alarm:

POST /v1/alarms/ack

Set ack on specified alarm

Status Codes

With a request body like this

  ID: 123  // Int (required)

It will return a plain Json positive response if the record was successfully added or updated.

Some of the possible error messages are:


No alarm to edit was found for the provided ID, or no ID was provided


The alarm related to the provided ID is already assigned to a user

Reassign alarm

Reassign the alarm to a selected user:

POST /v1/alarms/assign

Assigns alarm to specified user

Status Codes

With a request body like this

  ID: 123,                                                 // Int (required)
  AssigneeGuid: '23b8ee88-5121-4b12-990c-3cbdfa3208ae',    // Guid (required)
  Assignee: 'User name',                                   // String (required)
  Notes: 'Some notes'                                      // String

It will return a plain Json positive response if the record was successfully added or updated.

Some of the possible error messages are:


No alarm to edit was found for the provided ID, no ID was provided or no assignee data were provided


The alarm was already assigned to the provided assignee

Escalate alarm

Changed the alarm priority:

POST /v1/alarms/escalate

Set priority for specified alarm

Status Codes

With a request body like this

  ID: 123,                                                 // Int (required)
  Priority: 0,                                             // Int (required)
  Notes: 'Some notes'                                      // String

where Priority can be one of the AlarmPriority enumerations respectively.

It will return a plain Json positive response if the record was successfully added or updated.

Some of the possible error messages are:


No alarm to edit was found for the provided ID, no ID was provided or the provided priority was not one of the accepted values

Mark alarm handled

Mark the alarm as handled:

POST /v1/alarms/handled

Set alarm as handled by the current user

Status Codes

With a request body like this

  ID: 123,                                                 // Int (required)
  Notes: 'Some notes'                                      // String

It will return a plain Json positive response if the record was successfully added or updated.

Some of the possible error messages are:


No alarm to edit was found for the provided ID or no ID was provided


The alarm has no assignee or is not assigned to the current user


The alarm has already been marked as handled