Alarm - Logs

Module dedicated to the retrieval of the action logs on alarms. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all business-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get alarm action logs

Gets the list of the logged activities for end users and operators (it”s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/alarms/logs

Returns all alarm Logs or related to specific alarm Guid, based on search parameter.

Query Parameters
  • performingUser (string) – The user that performed the action

  • performedAction (string) – A concatenated string for the list of actions

  • involvedEntity (string) – A concatenated string for the list of entities to search for

  • from (string) – From… creation DateTime

  • to (string) – To… creation DateTime

Status Codes

The following filter can be specified in the query params:

  • performingUser: a string with the name, or part of it, of the user who performed the action

  • performedAction: the list of action codes divided by comma

  • from: a date representing the lower bound for the date in which the action was performed

  • to: a date representing the upper bound for the date in which the action was performed

the response will be a list of the action logs filtered according to the provided filters (if no filter is set, the API will return the full list):

    Id: "0a5342ee-70b4-4f44-98e2-011cd2330d55",                         // Guid
    ActionType: 1,                                                      // LogActionType enum
    PerformingUser: "Administrator",                                    // String
    PerformingGuid: "df14c292-b7c2-464d-af2a-e69291cbbc13",             // Performing user Guid
    CreatedDate: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",                                // Date
    IpAddress: "",                                             // String
    EntityType: 201,                                                    // LogEntityType enum, only Alarm value
    EntityName: null,                                                   // String, null
    EntityGuid: "df14c292-b7c2-464d-af2a-e69291cbbc13",                 // String, Guid the involved entity
    Data: [
        { Key = "Type", Value = "500" },
        { Key = "InvolvedEntityGuid", Value = "8feb520a-4271-45c3-8667-e2be34a46cd6" },
        { Key = "InvolvedEntityIdentifier", Value = "123456789" },
        { Key = "InvolvedEntityType", Value = "Vehicle" },
        { Key = "Priority", Value = "0" },
        { Key = "TresholdValue", Value = "15" }

The information inside the Data array are all strings.

The InvolvedEntity data are related to the entity for which the alarm was triggered (i.e. the vehicle with low fuel), and represents its type, its guid and an identifier depending on the entity type.

The Type, Priority and TresholdValue data are related to the Alarm data. Type and Priority maps to the AlarmTypes (Alarm) or AlarmPriority enumerations respectively.

or one of the following errors:


The value specified for from date, to date or both is not a valid date format