Business - Articles

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all business-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get Article

Gets details about a specific article:

GET /v1/articles/{id}

Gets details about a specific article

  • id (integer) – The article to retrieve data for

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/articles/{id}

Marks an article as deleted

  • id (integer) – The article to delete

Status Codes
id: Article ID (int)

Returns a plain Json negative message if there was a problem retrieving the data or a Json positive response with the requested details:

  "CreatedDate": "2020-09-14T11:46:37Z",                                                            // DateTime
  "BalanceUnit": 1,                                                                                 // Int
  "ExtCommunityFilter": [ "8108adee-4cc9-4d59-bedf-7a69186a41d1", ... ],                            // Guid Array (nullable)
  "SelectedCommunities": "Community 1 name,Community 2 name,...",                                   // String (nullable)
  "Name": "ART01",                                                                                  // String
  "Labels": "{\"en\":\"Article 01\",\"it\":\"Articolo 01\"}",                                       // String
  "DescriptionLabels": "{\"en\":\"Article 01 Description\",\"it\":\"Descrizione Articolo 01\"}",    // String (nullable)
  "WalletAmount": 60,                                                                               // Decimal
  "Price": 15,                                                                                      // Decimal
  "TokenCost": 10,                                                                                  // TokenCost (nullable if BalanceUnit is Tokens)
  "IsSingleToken": true,                                                                            // Boolean
  "ID": 1                                                                                           // Int

Value of the BalanceUnit property can be one of the BalanceUnit enumeration.

The properties Labels and DescriptionLabels contain a stringified Json containing pairs “language code”:”localized value”

Get Article list

Gets a list of all articles (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/articles/list

Gets a list of all articles

Status Codes

Returns a list of all articles:

  "CreatedDate": "2020-09-14T11:46:37Z",                                                            // DateTime
  "BalanceUnit": 1,                                                                                 // Int
  "ExtCommunityFilter": [ "8108adee-4cc9-4d59-bedf-7a69186a41d1", ... ],                            // Guid Array (nullable)
  "SelectedCommunities": "Community 1 name,Community 2 name,...",                                   // String (nullable)
  "Name": "ART01",                                                                                  // String
  "Labels": "{\"en\":\"Article 01\",\"it\":\"Articolo 01\"}",                                       // String
  "DescriptionLabels": "{\"en\":\"Article 01 Description\",\"it\":\"Descrizione Articolo 01\"}",    // String (nullable)
  "WalletAmount": 60,                                                                               // Decimal
  "Price": 15,                                                                                      // Decimal
  "ID": 1                                                                                           // Int
  "TokenCost": 10,                                                                                  // TokenCost (nullable if BalanceUnit is Tokens)
  "IsSingleToken": true                                                                             // Boolean

Value of the BalanceUnit property can be one of the BalanceUnit enumeration.

The properties Labels and DescriptionLabels contain a stringified Json containing pairs “language code”:”localized value”

Add new or edit article

Persists edits about a new or existing article:

POST /v1/articles

Persists edits about a new or existing article

Status Codes

The request body is:

  ID: 123,                                                    // Int
  Name: "pitm10",                                             // String
  Labels: "{\"en\":\"60 Minutes Package\",...}",              // String
  DescriptionLabels: "{\"en\":\"60 Minutes Package\",...}",   // String
  BalanceUnit: 3,                                             // Int
  WalletAmount: 1.23,                                        // Decimal
  Price: 1.23,                                                // Decimal
  "TokenCost": 10,                                            // TokenCost (nullable if BalanceUnit is Tokens)
  ExtCommunityFilter: [ Guid Array ]                          // Guid Array

If ID (article ID) is not provided or set to 0, then the request will create a new record.

Value of the field BalanceUnit must be one of the BalanceUnit enumeration; it does not accept the Currency value.

The fields Labels and DescriptionLabels contain a stringified Json containing pairs “language code”:”localized value”

A plain Json positive response will be returned if the record was sucessfully added or updated.

Possible errors are:


The value of WalletAmount is not in a valid format (a decimal positive value)


The value of Price or TokenCost is not in a valid format (a decimal or integer positive value)


One of the fields BalanceUnit, Price, WalletAmount, Name or Labels are empty or null, or no ExtCommunityFilter has been provided and the user is not a SuperAdmin, BalanceUnit has been set as Currency or a TokenCost has been provided for a token package


The provided BalanceUnit and WalletAmount maps to an already existing package


The provided WalletAmount is greater than the allowed value of items per package, as specified in the environment variables MAX_TOKENS_PER_ARTICLE, MAX_MINUTES_PER_ARTICLE and MAX_DISTANCE_PER_ARTICLE

Delete article

Marks an article as deleted:

GET /v1/articles/{id}

Gets details about a specific article

  • id (integer) – The article to retrieve data for

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/articles/{id}

Marks an article as deleted

  • id (integer) – The article to delete

Status Codes
id: Article ID (int)

Returns a plain Json positive response if the article was successfully marked as deleted.

Possible errors are a plain error if the article is the single token pakage, or one of the following error codes:


There is no article corresponding to the ID specified in the requested


The specified article has already been marked as deleted