Business - Price List

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all business-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get Price Lists

Get the price list for the specified currency (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/price-lists/{type}

Retrieves the price list for the specified type

  • type (integer) – The filter types, accepted only Currency or Tokens

Status Codes
type: Currency (int)

The API accepts in the path a parameter type, that should map to the BalanceUnit enumeration. The only accepted values are Token and Currency. The API returns a list of the articles and tariffs payable with the specified currency type, in the following format:

      ID: 1,                                                                // Int
      EntityType: 0,                                                        // String
      Name: "ART-01",                                                       // String
      Labels: "{"en":"English name", ...}",                                 // String (nullable)
      Price: 1.5,                                                           // Decimal
      TokenCost: 5,                                                         // Int (nullable)
      BaseAmountPerKilometer: 0.5,                                          // Decimal
      BaseAmountPerMinute: 1,                                               // Decimal
      Communities: "Comm1, ...",                                            // String (nullable)
      UserGroups: "[ "{\"en\":\"a0001E\",\"it\":\"a0001I2\"}",... ]",       // String (nullable)
      Categories: "[ "{\"en\":\"a001CatE\",\"it\":\"a001CatI\"}",... ]",    // String (nullable)
      ResourceGroups: "Group1,..."                                          // String (nullable)
    { ... }

Where the EntityType value maps to the PriceListEntryType enumeration.

The Labels, Price and TokenCost properties are valorised only for entries related to an articles, while the BaseAmountPerKilometer, BaseAmountPerMinute, UserGroups, Categories and ResourceGroups properties are valorised only for entries related to tariffs.

Possible errors are:


The type parameter either is not recognized as mapping to the BalanceUnit enumeration or is not Currency nor Token