Core - Operators

Module dedicated to platform operators.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get operator

Gets details about a specific operator:

GET /v1/operators/{id}

Gets details about a specific operator

  • id (integer) – The id of the operator

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/operators/{id}

Marks a specific operator as deleted

  • id (integer) – The id of the operator

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the operator record corresponding to the ID provided:

  Name: "John",                                               // String
  Doe: "Doe",                                                 // String
  FullName: "John Doe",                                       // String
  Roles: ["Admin", "PowerUser"],                              // String Array
  UserName: "JohnDoe",                                        // String
  Email: "",                                // String
  MobilePhoneNumber: "071237132132",                          // String
  CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                        // DateTime
  ID: 1234,                                                   // Int
  Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",               // Guid
  IsBlocked: false,                                           // Boolean
  IsDisabled: false,                                          // Boolean
  IsConfirmed: true,                                          // Boolean
  IsNotModifiable: false,                                     // Boolean
  LastLogonTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
  Language: "en-GB",                                          // String
  Communities: ["comm1 > comm2",...],                         // String Array
  CommunityIDs: [2, 5, ...],                                  // Int Array
  ForcedPasswordChangeRequestDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",    // DateTime (nullable)
  LastPasswordChangeTimestamp, "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",        // DateTime

Get operator by Guid

Gets details about a specific operator given its guid:

GET /v1/operators/{id}

Gets details about a specific operator

  • id (integer) – The id of the operator

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/operators/{id}

Marks a specific operator as deleted

  • id (integer) – The id of the operator

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the operator record corresponding to the ID provided:

  Name: "John",                                               // String
  Surname: "Doe",                                             // String
  FullName: "John Doe",                                       // String
  Roles: ["Admin", "PowerUser"],                              // String Array
  UserName: "JohnDoe",                                        // String
  Email: "",                                // String
  MobilePhoneNumber: "071237132132",                          // String
  CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                        // DateTime
  ID: 1234,                                                   // Int
  Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",               // Guid
  IsBlocked: false,                                           // Boolean
  IsDisabled: false,                                          // Boolean
  IsConfirmed: true,                                          // Boolean
  IsNotModifiable: false,                                     // Boolean
  LastLogonTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
  Language: "en-GB",                                          // String
  Communities: ["comm1 > comm2",...],                         // String Array
  CommunityIDs: [2, 5, ...],                                  // Int Array
  ForcedPasswordChangeRequestDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",    // DateTime (nullable)
  LastPasswordChangeTimestamp, "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",        // DateTime

Get list of operators

Gets the list of operators (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/operators/list

Gets the list of operators

Status Codes

Returns a list like this:

    "UserName": "Administrator",                       // String
    "CreatedDate": "2019-05-28T11:41:06Z",             // DateTime
    "Guid": "6b2df906-5636-47c4-8db3-8c215b1333de",    // Guid
    "AdditionalData": [],                              // AdditionalData Array
    "LastLogonTimestamp": "2020-09-04T10:09:10Z"       // DateTime (nullable)
    "LCID": 16,                                        // Int
    "Language": "it",                                  // String
    "IsBlocked": false,                                // Boolean
    "IsConfirmed": true,                               // Boolean
    "IsDisabled": false,                               // Boolean
    "IsNotModifiable": false,                          // Boolean
    "ManualApprovalDate": null,                        // DateTime (nullable)
    "Email": null,                                     // String
    "Name": "John",                                    // String
    "Surname": "Doe",                                  // String
    "FullName": "John Doe",                            // String
    "MobilePhoneNumber": null,                         // String
    "Communities": [Guid Array],                       // Guid Array
    "AdministeredCommunities": [Guid Array],           // Guid Array
    "Roles": ["Admin",...],                            // String Array
    "ID": 1                                            // Int

Search operator

Fetches a collection of the active operator records filtered by the name provided:

Fetches a collection of the operators records filtered by [name] otherwise an error will be returned

Query Parameters
  • name (string) – A string to look for in any field, even partial

Status Codes

The API expects to receive the search string name in the query parameters.

The request will return the list of all the end user records found:

    ID: 1234,                                         // Int
    CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",              // DateTime
    UserName: "UserName",                             // String
    Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",     // Guid
        ID: 1234,                                     // Int
        CreatedDate:"2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",           // DateTime
        LastUpdated: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",          // DateTime
        FieldName: "Custom Field name",               // String
        Type: 0,                                      // Int (enum AdditionalValueType)
        Value: "abc"                                  // String (nullable)
    LastLogonTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",       // DateTime (nullable)
    LCID: 1044,                                       // Int
    Language: "en-GB",                                // String
    IsBlocked: false,                                 // Boolean
    IsConfirmed: true,                                // Boolean
    IsDisabled: false,                                // Boolean
    IsNotModifiable: false,                           // Boolean
    ManualApprovalDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",       // DateTime (nullable)
    Email: "",                          // String
    Name: "John",                                     // String
    Surname: "Doe",                                   // String
    FullName: "John Doe",                             // String
    MobilePhoneNumber: "12321321",                    // String
    Communities: ["List","of","community","Guid"],    // Guid Array
    AdministeredCommunities: [],                      // Guid Array
    Roles: ["EndUser","..."]                          // String Array

No active end user found

Add new or edit existing operator record

Persists edits about a new or existing operator:

POST /v1/operators

Persists edits about a new or existing operator

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  ID: 1234,                 // Int
  UserName: "John Doe",     // String
  Language: "en-GB",        // String
  Password: "",             // String
  Email : "",               // String
  Name: "",                 // String
  Surname: "",              // String
  IsDisabled: false,        // Boolean
  MobilePhoneNumber: "",    // String
  Communities: [1, 2, ...], // Int Array
  Roles :["Admin",...]      // String Array

If the field ID is not provided or it is set to 0, the request will create a new record.

The field Communities represents the IDs of the communities on which the operator can work.

Returns a plain Json positive response if the record has been succesfully added or edited.


No username or role has been provided in the request body, or no operator to edit has been found for the provided ID`


The request is trying to add a record with the same UserName as an existing one.


The request is trying to edit an operator set as not modifiable


One or more of the provided community has not been found. The error code will be followed by a semicolon and the list of the IDs corresponding to the not found communities divided by a comma. I.e.: err_NoCommunityFoud;1,2,3

Delete operator

Mark an operator record as deleted:

GET /v1/operators/{id}

Gets details about a specific operator

  • id (integer) – The id of the operator

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/operators/{id}

Marks a specific operator as deleted

  • id (integer) – The id of the operator

Status Codes
id: Operator ID (Int)

Returns a plain Json positive response if the request is successful.

Possible errors are:


No record corresponds to the ID in the request


The record corresponding to the ID has already been deleted


The request is trying to delete an operator set as not modifiable

Get communities

Gets the list of communities available:

GET /v1/operators/communities

Gets the list of communities available

Status Codes

Return a positive Json response and the tree of communities:

    "ID": 12,                                              // Int
    "Guid": "9ed1f563-ebc6-4195-9709-feb4daaaf011",        // Guid
    "Name": "Community 1",                                 // String
    "Level": 0,                                            // Int
    "Parent": null,                                        // Int (nullable)
    "Children":                                            // Community Array
        "ID": 14,                                          // Int
        "Guid": "b2686bd5-5fa4-4cca-a904-d616faf86a74",    // Guid
        "Name": "SubCommunity 1",                          // String
        "Level": 1,                                        // Int
        "Parent": null,                                    // Int
        "Children": []                                     // Community Array

Get roles

Gets the list of roles available (specifically intended for the operator users only, not for end-users):

GET /v1/operators/roles

Gets the list of roles

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and the list of all the roles:

     Name: "Administrator",   // String
     Slug: "Admin"            // String

Get active session count

Returns the count of the currently active session for the specified operator

GET /v1/operators/{guid}/active-sessions

Gets the number of active session for the specified user

  • guid (string) – User guid

Status Codes
guid: Operator guid

If the request is successfull, the API will return a response like this:

  ActiveSessions: 5,    // Int
  MaxSessions: 6        // Int

where ActiveSessions is the count of the currently active session for the specified operators, while MaxSessions is the max number of allowed active session, as specified in the configuration variable AUTH_SESSION_LIMIT configuration variable, or an error if the request is not successful.

Force logoff for a specified operators

Logs off all the currently active session for the specified operator

POST /v1/operators/force-logoff

Force the logoff of every active session for the specified user

Status Codes

The API expects a body like this:

  User: '1e4a8a87-9909-4cbb-8452-a8d0872d92a4'

where the User field is the guid of the operator that must be forcefully logged off.

The API will return a plain positive error if the request is successfull, a generic error if no User field is provided, or one of the following errors:


No operator has ben found for the specified guid


The specified operator has no currently active session

Force operator to change password during the next login

Requires a password update to be forced on the operator at the next login

POST /v1/operators/force-password-reset

Force the password reset for the specified operator

Status Codes

The API expects a body like this:

  User: '1e4a8a87-9909-4cbb-8452-a8d0872d92a4'

Where the User field is the GUID of the user who must be forced to change the password.

The API will return a plain positive error if the request is successful, a generic error if no User field is provided, or one of the following errors:


No user has ben found for the specified guid


There are previous request to force password change.