Core - License Documents To Validate

Module dedicated to the validation of the end users’ license documents.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get license documents to be validated

Gets the list of license documents to validate (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/to-validate/list

Gets the list of license documents to validate

Status Codes

The request will return the list of the license documents (those contained in the current page only) to be validated filtered by the page settings:

    "ID": 13,                                                 // Int
    "UserID": 2070,                                           // Int
    "UserName": "",                              // String
    "Type": 0,                                                // Int
    "LicenseNumber": "License number",                        // String
    "IssuingAuthorityID": 7,                                  // Int
    "IssuingAuthority": "Authority name",                     // String
    "Category": "Authority code",                             // String
    "EquivalentCategory": null,                               // String (nullable)
    "CreatedDate": "2019-10-25T10:15:58Z",                    // DateTime
    "IssueDate": "2019-10-25T10:15:42Z",                      // DateTime
    "ExpiryDate": "2019-10-25T10:15:44Z",                     // DateTime (nullable)
    "LastValidationDate": null,                               // DateTime (nullable)
    "IsValid": null,                                          // Boolean (nullable)
    "IsDeletable": false,                                     // Boolean
    "Attachments": [                                          // Guid Array
    "Notes": null,                                            // String (nullable)
    "Guid": "2c26424e-9025-4ee4-80e1-f81e5899daa2"            // Guid

Value of the Types property can be one of the LicenseDocumentType enumeration.

The IsValid property is always to null, since whent it is valorized the license document is not marked as “to be validated” anymore.

Validate License document

Persists a validation attempt for a license document:

POST /v1/to-validate/validate

Persists a validation attempt for a license document

Status Codes

The format of the request is the following:

  ID: 1234,                                         // Int
  EquivalentCategory: "B",                          // String (nullable)
  Notes: "Additional notes",                        // String (nullable)
  IsValid: true                                     // Boolean

where ID is the id of the license document record that will be validated, and must correspond to an existing document in order to proceed with the validation, otherwise will return a negative Json response.

The field EquivalentCategory is required when passing IsValid as true, while Notes is required while passing IsValid to false.

If the validation process is successful, the request will return a positive Json response.

Possible error messages during the validation are:


The driving license record has already been validated


The document is marked as valid and the EquivalentCategory field is not set, or the document is marked as not valid and the Notes field is not set