Core - Transportation Request

Module dedicated to transportation requests.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get trasportation request

Gets details about a specific transportation request:

GET /v1/transportation-requests/{id}

Gets details about a specific transportation request

  • id (integer) – The id of the transportation request

Status Codes
id: The id of the transportation request (int)

Returns a Json positive response and the the details of the trasportation request:

  ID: 123,                                        // Int
  UserID: 345,                                    // Int
  Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",   // Guid
  UserName: "UserName",                           // String
  FullName: "John Doe",                           // String
  Email: "",                        // String
  MobilePhoneNumber: "3349822333",                // String
  StartLocationQuery: "London Gatwick",           // String
  EndLocationQuery: "London Heathrow",            // String
  StartTime: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",              // DateTime
  EndTime: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                // DateTime
  ExternalResourceGroups: [ Guid array ]          // Guid Array

Returns a plain Json negative response if the ID provided in the request does not correspond to any existing transportation request.

Add transportation request

Posts a new Transportation Request on the system:

POST /v1/transportation-requests

Posts a new Transportation Request on the system

Status Codes

With a request body like this:

  UserID: 123,                                            // Int
  StartLocationQuery: "London Gatwick",                   // String
  EndLocationQuery: "London Heathrow",                    // String
  StartTime: "2020/01/01 10:00:00",                       // DateTime
  EndTime: "2020/01/01 11:00:00",                         // DateTime
  Filters: [ key: "vg-category", value: [1,4,7,10,18] ]   // JSON Dictionary

All fields are required, but the Filters field. Filters is required only if the system have some required ExtResourceFilter.

If the transportation request is added successfully, it will return a Json positive response and the Guid of the new record:


Possible error messages are:


The user corresponding to the provided ID is either not an end user, has not been confirmed or has been disabled


The user has already reached the maximum number of active reservation, as defined in the configuration variable MAX_ACTIVE_MA


The start date is either not valid or is in the past


The end date is either not valid or is earlier than the start date


Missing required filters


The logged operator has no rights to manage the selected user


No UserID has been provided in the request


There are no resources available to the user


There were unhandled error while adding the new trasportation request

Get filters

Gets the list of current filters for compiling a transportation request:

GET /v1/transportation-requests/filters

Gets the list of current filters for compiling a transportation request

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and the list of filters:

    ID: 1234,                                                                                   // Int
    CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                                        // DateTime
    LastUpdated: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                                        // DateTime
    ValueType: 4,                                                                               // Int
    Key: "vg-category",                                                                         // String
    Labels: "{\"en\":\"Category\"}",                                                            // String
    ValidValues: "["9060503a-5ba6-42b4-a01e-cbce1cb98c7e", ...]",                               // String
    ValidValuesLabels: "{\"9060503a-5ba6-42b4-a01e-cbce1cb98c7e\":{\"en\":\"City Car\"}, ...}", // String
    IsRequired: true                                                                            // Boolean

The value of the Key property can be one of the value described in Movement Authority Filters.

The ValidValues field is a stringified array whose value, when present depending on the value of the ValueType field (see below), may vary depending on the context of the specific filter (i.e. it may be a number array, Guid array, string array…).

The field Labels contains a stringified Json containing pairs “language code”:”localized value”

The field ValidValuesLabels also contains a stringified Json, and is valorized only for types Enumeration and Multiple Enumeration

ValueType can be one of the AdditionalValueTypes enumeration, with the following implications:




In the ValidValues there can be a JSON array of two items, the first being the lower bound and the second being the upper bound of the allowed range. A value of null or undefined lets the end unbounded. No ValidValuesLabels are to be expected.


No ValidValues are to be expected, but there can be ValidValuesLabels.


No ValidValues are to be expected, nor ValidValuesLabels.


Both ValidValues and ValidValuesLabels are to be expected, as in the example data above. The User Agent must specify exactly one of the valid values in the JSON array contained in ValidValues as the filter value when compiling a Transportation Request.


Both ValidValues and ValidValuesLabels are to be expected, as in the example data above. The User Agent must specify at least one, and possibly more, of the valid values in the JSON array contained in ValidValues as the filter value when compiling a Transportation Request. The filter value must be a string containing a JSON array of the selected values.