Core - Current User

Module dedicated to the retrieval and edit of the settings for the currently logged in user.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.


Login is handled via the /v1/user/logon endpoint:

POST /v1/user/logon

Tries a logon operation for the specified user

Status Codes

The object to pass to this API is like this:

  "username":"",     // String
  "password":"userpassword"               // String

Both fields are required. If the provided credentials are correct, the API will return an object like this:

  MustChangePassword: true                            // Boolean
  Token: "a valid JWT string",                        // String
  Roles: ["array","of","role","slugs"],               // String Array
  Name: "The registered first name of the user",      // String
  Surname: "The registered last name of the user",    // String
  FullName: "The registered full name of the user",   // String
  Language: "language ISO code"                       // String

The MustChangePassword field means that the user should be forced to change password. The Roles and FullName fields may be used by the UI/UX to immediately hide/enhance the functions that may be accessed by the user. The Language field may be used to correctly set the localization of the UI labels.

In case of errors, the Message values that Movens may report are:


When the credentials supplied cannot be matched to any registered user.


The user has been successfully identified, but cannot access now.

This may be due to user having been blocked, not being confirmed (e.g. via a link in an e-mail message that must have been clicked), or not having the correct role to access admin APIs.


The user has reached the maximun allowed number of concurrent sessions


Logout is handled via the /v1/user/logoff endpoint:

POST /v1/user/logoff

Revoke a JWT for the current user

Status Codes

The API does not need any object provided, and it will logoff the current active session for the user.

Get current user data

Gets the data of the currently logged-in user:

GET /v1/user/current

Gets data about the currently logged-in user

Status Codes

Returns a positive Json object containing the data of the currently logged-in user:

  Name: "John",                                   // String
  Surname: "Doe",                                 // String
  FullName: "John Doe",                           // String
  Roles: ["Roles of the user"],                   // String Array
  UserName: "",                     // String
  Email: "",                        // String
  MobilePhoneNumber: "12345678",                  // String
  CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",            // DateTime
  ID: 12345,                                      // Int
  LCID: 2057,                                     // Int
  Language: "en-GB",                              // String
  Communities: [Guid array],                      // Guid Array
  AdministeredCommunities: [Communities array],   // Community Array
  OperationalDataFields: "[{"Key":"field-name","Value":"field-value"},...]"   // String (JSON Dictionary)

If there is a problem retrieving the guid of the current user, it will return a 401 unauthorised response.

Get current user communities

Gets the list of communities the current user can access:

GET /v1/user/current/communities

Gets the list of communities the current user can access

Status Codes

Returns a positive response with the list of communities that the current user can access:

    "Name": "Community",                              // String
    "Level": 1,                                       // Int
    "PrimaryColor": null,                             // Int (nullable)
    "AccentColor": null,                              // Int (nullable)
    "Logo": "AAAAAAAAAA==...",                        // ByteArray (as String, nullable)
    "Guid": "6e530c79-bf96-4310-be5b-aaca274ce40b",   // Guid
    "RegistrationCode": "KBTHSSZBTM",                 // String
    "DeletionDate": "2020-05-27T13:08:39Z",           // DateTime (nullable)
    "ID": 20                                          // Int

If there is an error retrieving the data for the current user, a json negative response will be returned.

Set language

Changes a language setting for the current user:

POST /v1/user/current/language/{lan}

Persists a language setting for the current user

  • lan (string) – The BCP-47 language code

Status Codes
lan: The BCP-47 language code (String)

If the language code included in the request is valid BCP-47 language code, it will be set as the language of the current user and a json positive response will be returned.

In case of error retrieving the data for the current user, a plain json negative response will be returned.

Specific errore messages are:


A non valid (null) BCP-47 language code was provided in the request

Edit password

Set a new password for the current user:

POST /v1/user/current/password

Persists a new password for the current user

Status Codes

In case of error retrieving the data for the current user, a plain json negative response will be returned.

The format of the request is the following:

  password: "new_password"        // String

The API will also renew the current token, and will return the new token value:

  Token: "a valid JWT string",    // String

Possible errors are:


The new password provided is the same as the old one


The new password provided is shorter than the min accepted length of 8 characters

Edit mobile number

Persists a new mobile number for the current user:

POST /v1/user/current/mobile

Persists a new mobile number for the current user

Status Codes

In case of error retrieving the data for the current user, a plain json negative response will be returned.

The format of the request is the following:

  mobile: "123421412"     // String

A plain positive Json response will be returned at the end of the update process.

A plain negative Json response will be returned if no mobile has been provided.

Edit email

Persists a new e-mail address for the current user:

POST /v1/user/current/email

Persists a new e-mail address for the current user

Status Codes

In case of error retrieving the data for the current user, a plain json negative response will be returned.

The format of the request is the following:

  email: ""        // String

A plain positive Json response will be returned at the end of the update process.

A plain negative Json response will be returned if no email has been provided.

Renew Token

Renew a JWT for the current user:

POST /v1/user/current/token-renew

Renew a JWT for the current user

Status Codes

If the request is successful it will return the new token.

If not a generic json error message will be returned.