Vehicle - Additional Vehicle Data

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get all additional vehicle data fields

Gets the list of all the additional data fields for every existing driver

GET /v1/additional-vehicle-data/data-fields

Gets the list of necessary fields indicating the type of Box

Status Codes

The API will respond with ERR in case of error, or with the following data structure:

      "DriverID": "7dd66145-1560-4bbd-8e0c-a4adc24502d4",    // Guid
      "DriverName": "Box driver name",                       // String
      "DocumentationURL": "",    // String (nullable)
      "Fields": {                                            // Dictionary <string, string>
        {key: "field-name", value: "field value" }
    }, { ... }

Get additional vehicle data fields for a specific driver

Gets the list of all the additional data fields for a specified driver

GET /v1/additional-vehicle-data/data-fields/{id}

Gets the list of necessary fields indicating the type of Box

  • id (string) – The guid of the driver

Status Codes
id: Driver ID (guid)

The API will respond with ERR in case of error, or with the following data structure:

      "FieldName": "field-name",                    // String
      "FieldLabels": "{"en": "Field Name", ...}"    // String
    }, { ... }

where FieldLabels is a string containing the localized values for the field’s name

Get additional vehicle data list

Gets the paged list of additional vehicle data for a specified vehicle

GET /v1/additional-vehicle-data/{id}/list

Gets the paged list of AdditionalVehicleData for a vehicle

  • id (integer) – The id of the vehicle

Query Parameters
  • driver (string) –

Status Codes
id: Vehicle ID (int)

It might also take an optional query parameter driver which may contain a DriverID to filter the list.

The API will respond with ERR in case of error, or with the following data structure:


“VehicleID”: 1, // ID “DriverID”: “7dd66145-1560-4bbd-8e0c-a4adc24502d4”, // Guid “DriverName”: “Box driver name”, // String “CreatedDate”: ‘2022-01-01T00:00:00Z”, // DateTime “LastUpdated”: ‘2022-01-01T00:00:00Z”, // DateTime “FieldName”: “field-name”, // String “Value”: “field value” // Value

}, { … }



Get additional vehicle data list for a specified driver

Retrieves the full list of additional vehicle data for a specified vehicle and driver

GET /v1/additional-vehicle-data/{id}/vehicle-data/{driver}

Gets the full list of AdditionalVehicleData for a vehicle and a driver

  • id (integer) – The vehicle ID

  • driver (string) – The driver ID

Status Codes
id: Vehicle ID (int)
driver: Driver ID (guid)

The API will respond with ERR in case of error, or with the following data structure:

      "VehicleID": 1,                                        // ID
      "DriverID": "7dd66145-1560-4bbd-8e0c-a4adc24502d4",    // Guid
      "DriverName": "Box driver name",                       // String
      "CreatedDate": '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",                 // DateTime
      "LastUpdated": '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",                 // DateTime
      "FieldName": "field-name",                             // String
      "Value": "field value"                                 // Value
    }, { ... }

Set additional vehicle data for a vehicle

Updates the additional vehicle data for a specified vehicle and driver

POST /v1/additional-vehicle-data

Persists edits about a new or existing AdditionalVehicleData

Status Codes

The API accepts the following request body:

  VehicleID: 1,                                        // ID
  DriverID: "7dd66145-1560-4bbd-8e0c-a4adc24502d4",    // Guid
  AdditionalData: {                                    // Dictionary <string, string>
      {key: "field-name", value: "field value" }

If the update is accepted, a specific action log will be recorded.

The API might respond with one of the following errors:


There is no vehicle corresponding to the ID provided in the request body


The specified driver needs some additional vehicle data, and one or more data is missing on the vehicle