Vehicle - Devices

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get Device

Gets details about a specific device:

GET /v1/devices/{id}

Gets details about a specific device

  • id (integer) – The id of the device

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/devices/{id}

Marks a device as deleted

  • id (integer) – The id of the device to mark as deleted

Status Codes
id: ID Device (int)

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the device corresponding to the ID provided in the request:

  "SerialNumber": "KQKHVXQRGUJBWAV",                          // String
  "CreatedDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:30Z",                      // DateTime
  "CommunityGuid": "1b8cffd5-c94a-40cf-b646-aa95224c3a77",    // Guid
  "CommunityName": "Community name",                          // String
  "Manufacturer": "Dummy Device Corp.",                       // String
  "ModelMain": "Dummy Box",                                   // String
  "ModelSubtype": "Dummy Box",                                // String (nullable)
  "HardwareVersion": "1.0",                                   // String
  "PlatformVersion": "1.0",                                   // String
  "SoftwareVersion": "a102051b",                              // String
  "HardwareAddress": "3E:8A:19:C0:6F:69",                     // String
  "ReferenceToken": null,                                     // String (nullable)
  "ExternalGuid": "90418565-3154-43ef-9559-74bb3edf915f",     // Guid
  "Guid": "66c9b1a9-e4cf-4ba0-9c2b-5dd03a240c73",             // Guid
  "InstallationDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:32Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
  "LastMaintenanceDate": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
  "LastResetDate:" null,                                      // DateTime (nullable)
  "ExternalId": null,                                         // String (nullable)
  "LastEventReceived": null,                                  // DateTime (nullable)
  "LastHFEventReceived": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
  "EventPollStartDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:30Z",               // DateTime
  "LastSynchronization": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
  "LastNetworkSignalStrengthPct": 72,                         // Int (nullable)
  "LastNetworkInfo": "51",                                    // String (nullable)
  "Driver": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",           // Guid
  "IsEnabled": false,                                         // Boolean
  "DriverName": "Dummy Device",                               // String
  "CanExecuteCommands": false,                                // Boolean
  "ID": 2                                                     // Int

If there is no device corresponding to the ID provided or if there was a problem retrieving the data, a plain Json negative response will be returned.

The CanExecuteCommands fields specified if the device accepts direct commands (i.e. door lock/unlock)

Get Device list

Gets the paged list of devices:

GET /v1/devices/list

Gets the list of devices

Query Parameters
  • driver (string) –

Status Codes

The API accepts an optional query parameter driver set with an on board device driver Guid, and returns a list of all device records:

    "SerialNumber": "KQKHVXQRGUJBWAV",                          // String
    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:30Z",                      // DateTime
    "CommunityGuid": "1b8cffd5-c94a-40cf-b646-aa95224c3a77",    // Guid
    "CommunityName": "Community name",                          // String
    "Manufacturer": "Dummy Device Corp.",                       // String
    "ModelMain": "Dummy Box",                                   // String
    "ModelSubtype": null,                                       // String
    "HardwareVersion": "1.0",                                   // String
    "PlatformVersion": "1.0",                                   // String
    "SoftwareVersion": "a102051b",                              // String
    "HardwareAddress": "3E:8A:19:C0:6F:69",                     // String
    "ReferenceToken": null,                                     // String
    "ExternalGuid": "90418565-3154-43ef-9559-74bb3edf915f",     // Guid
    "Guid": "66c9b1a9-e4cf-4ba0-9c2b-5dd03a240c73",             // Guid
    "InstallationDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:32Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
    "LastMaintenanceDate": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
    "LastMaintenanceDate": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
    "ExternalId": null,                                         // String (nullable)
    "LastEventReceived": null,                                  // DateTime (nullable)
    "LastHFEventReceived": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
    "EventPollStartDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:30Z",               // DateTime
    "LastSynchronization": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
    "LastNetworkSignalStrengthPct": 72,                         // Int (nullable)
    "LastNetworkInfo": "51",                                    // String (nullable)
    "Driver": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",           // Guid
    "IsEnabled": false,                                         // Boolean
    "DriverName": "Dummy Device",                               // String
    "CanExecuteCommands": false,                                // Boolean
    "ID": 2                                                     // Int

The CanExecuteCommands fields specified if the device accepts direct commands (i.e. door lock/unlock)

Add or edit Device

Persists edits about a new device:

POST /v1/devices

Persists edits about a new device

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  ID: 4,                                                  // Int
  SerialNumber: "948973030246021",                        // String
  ExternalGuid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",   // Guid
  ExternalId: "...",                                      // String (nullable)
  PlatformVersion: "V. 1.0",                              // String (nullable)
  Manufacturer: "Manufacturer name",                      // String (nullable)
  ModelMain: "Main name of the article",                  // String (nullable)
  Driver: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784"          // Guid

Returns a plain Json positive response if the record was successfully added, or a plain Json negative response if there was a problem while processing the request.

Possible other error messages are:


No Driver or SerialNumber has been provided in the request body, or no device to edit has been found for the provided ID

Delete Device

Marks a device as deleted:

GET /v1/devices/{id}

Gets details about a specific device

  • id (integer) – The id of the device

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/devices/{id}

Marks a device as deleted

  • id (integer) – The id of the device to mark as deleted

Status Codes
id: ID Device (int)

Returns a plain Json positive response and marks the corresponding record as deleted.

Possible error messages:


No record corresponds to the ID provided


The corresponding record is already marked as deleted

Get Device events

Gets the list of events for the specified device (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/devices/{id}/device-events

Gets the list of events for the specified device

  • id (integer) – The id of the device

Status Codes
id: ID Device (int)

Returns a list of all the events for device corresponding to the ID provided:

    ID:6789,                                              // Int
    DeviceTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",              // DateTime
    CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                  // DateTime
    ExtEventId: "...",                                    // String
    Type: "Event type",                                   // String
    PropertyName: "Name of the event property",           // Strine
    PropertyValue: "Value of the event property",         // String
    Source: "softlogic",                                  // String
    LastElaborationAttempt: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",       // DateTime (nullable)
    LastElaborationSuccessful: true                       // Boolean

Type, PropertyName and PropertyValue changes according to the manufacturer and model of the device

Get Device actions

Gets the list of actions commanded on the specified device (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/devices/{id}/device-actions

Gets the list of actions commanded on the specified device

  • id (integer) – The id of the device

Status Codes
id: ID Device (int)

Returns the list of all the actions sent to the specified device:

    ID: 140,                                              // Int
    CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                  // DateTime
    KeepTryingUntil: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",              // DateTime (nullable)
    Command: "Command identifier",                        // String
    Parameters: "Command parameters"                      // String
    EnteredBy: "Administrator",                           // String
    LastExecutionAttempt: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",         // DateTime (nullable)
    ShouldTryAgain: true,                                 // Boolean
    IsSuccessful: false,                                  // Boolean (nullable)
    Response: "Response JSON",                            // String
    LastAttemptId: "f18347beb0d84313ab0a6bafebaae27b",    // String
    EnteredById: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784"   // Guid (nullable)

Command, Parameters and Response changes according to the manufacturer and model of the device

Tests device binding

Tests binding to a device, connecting the serial number to the driver:

POST /v1/devices/test-bind

Tests binding to a device, connecting the serial number to the driver

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  SerialNumber: "948973030246021",                        // String
  Driver: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784"          // Guid

Returns a Json positive response and the information of the test binding:

  result: true,                                           // Boolean
  guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",           // Guid
  id: "...",                                              // String
  mfg: "Manufacturer name",                               // String
  modelMain: "Main name of the article",                  // String
  platfVer: "V. 1.0"                                      // String

Returns a plain Json negative response if no driver or serial number has been provided, or if there was an error while testing the binding between the device and the driver.

The fields ExternalGuid and ExternalId are identifier related to the specific vendor platform.

Reset Device

Tries to perform a reset operation on the specified device:

POST /v1/devices/reset

Tries to perform a reset operation on the specified device

Status Codes

The body is of the request is the following:

  ID: 123                     // Int
  ResetType: 0                // Int

where ID corresponds to a valid device record to reset.

If the device was successfully reset, it will return a Json positive answer and the result:

  result: true                // Boolean

ResetType defines what module of the device has to be reset, and its values type must be one of the ResetType enumeration.

Returns a plain Json negative response if the ID provided does not correspond to any existing device or if there was an errror while executing the command.

Test Device

Performs a device test operation on the specified device:

POST /v1/devices/test-device

Performs a device test operation on the specified device

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  ID: 123,                    // Int
  TestType: 0,                // Int
  RetryTime: 10               // Int

where ID corresponds to a valid device record to test.

TestType defines the type of test that is being performed on the device and its values type must be one of the TestType enumeration.

RetryTime indicates how many minutes the system should attempt to execute the command in the event of a failure

Some tests can only performend by valid administrator accounts with SuperUser priviliges.

If the execution of the command is successful it will return a Json positive response and the result of the test:

  result: true

The request will return a plain Json negative response if the ID provided does not correspond to any existing device, if the the TestType is not a valid value or if the was a problem while testing the device or a Unauthorized message if you cannot.

Bind Device to Vehicle

Binds a device to a vehicle (Indicates which vehicle the device is mounted on). Must be performed at installation:

POST /v1/devices/bind-to-vehicle

Binds a device to a vehicle. Must be performed at installation.

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  ID: 34,                     // Int
  VehicleID: 12               // Int

where ID corresponds to a valid unbound device and VehicleID to a valid vehicle.

Returns a plain Json positive response if the device has been successfully assigned to the vehicle in the platform.

A plain Json negative response is returned if there is no device corresponding to the ID provided in the body or a Unauthorized message if you cannot.

Possible error messages are:


There is no vehicle corresponding to the ID provided in the request body


The specified device is already bound to another vehicle


The device’s driver needs some additional vehicle data, and one or more data is missing on the vehicle

Remove Device from Vehicle

Unbinds a device from the vehicle it is on:

POST /v1/devices/remove-from-vehicle

Unbinds a device from the vehicle it is on.

Status Codes

The request body is:

  ID: 34                      // Int

where ID corresponds to a valid device currently bound to a vehicle.

If the device is successfully removed from the vehicle, a plain Json positive response will be returned.

Returns a plain Json negative response if the ID provided in the body does not correspond to an existing device or a Unauthorized message if you cannot.

Possible error messages are:


The specified device is not currently bound to any vehicle

Get Device Status

Queries the device manufacturer’s API to retrieve the value read from the device.

GET /v1/devices/{id}/device-status

Get all vehicle info on demand

  • id (integer) – Vehicle ID

Status Codes

This API returns a positive JSON response with the data read from the device:

  OdometerKm: 13596,                  // Int (nullable)
  FuelLevelPct: 74,                   // Int (nullable) (Percentage of fuel level left)
  ServiceBatteryVoltageDec: 130,      // Int (nullable) (Vehicle battery level in dV)
  GPSSatelliteCount: 9,               // Int (nullable) (Number of GPS satellites connected to the device)
  GPSLatitude: 42.134,                // Double (nullable)
  GPSLongitude: 12.3467,              // Double (nullable)
  GPSAltitude: 2.5,                   // Double (nullable)
  GPSSpeedKmh: 30.5,                  // Double (nullable)
  AccelX: 0,                          // Double (nullable) (Vehicle acceleration on the x axys)
  AccelY: 0,                          // Double (nullable) (Vehicle acceleration on the y axys)
  AccelZ: 0,                          // Double (nullable) (Vehicle acceleration on the z axys)
  IsDashboardPowered: true,           // Boolean (nullable)
  IsEngineRunning: true,              // Boolean (nullable)
  IsDoorClosed: true,                 // Boolean (nullable)
  IsHandbrakeOn: true,                // Boolean (nullable)
  IsCharging: true,                   // Boolean (nullable)
  IsChargingComplete: true,           // Boolean (nullable)
  NetworkSignalStrengthPct: 45,       // Int (nullable)
  NetworkTechnology: "3G",            // String (nullable)
  HardwareVersion: "2.0",             // String (nullable)
  SoftwareVersion: "1.0",             // String (nullable)
  DeviceTemperatureDegC: 25,          // Int (nullable)
  ExternalTemperatureDegC: 26,        // Int (nullable)
  CANBusStatus: true,                 // Boolean (nullable) (Connection status of the CanBus)
  BTStatus: true,                     // Boolean (nullable) (True if the BlueTooth module is working)
  AdditionalData:                     // Additional Data Array
      Label: "rpm",                   // String
      Value: "15",                    // String
      Type: 1                         // Int (enum AdditionalValueType)

or an error in case of problems.

The field AdditionalData is an array of data not stored in their specific property: Label refers to a normalized string, to describe which data is represented in that AdditionalData regardless of the driver manufacturer; Value is the value of the data; Type can be one of the value defined in the AdditionalValueTypes enumeration.

The enumeration type accepts a list of valid values. Please refer to Device Retrieved Data for a complete list of additional data and their values.