Vehicle - Groups

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get Vehicle Group

Gets details about a specific vehicle group:

GET /v1/vehicle-groups/{guid}

Gets details about a specific vehicle group

  • guid (string) – The guid of the group

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/vehicle-groups/{guid}

Marks a vehicle group as deleted

  • guid (string) – The guid of the group

Status Codes
guid: Group ID (guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the specified vehicle group:

  Name: "London",                                         // String
  Description: "Description...",                          // String (nullable)
  Guid: "e0828997-d3ce-40e2-adcd-e3248ea536e0",           // Guid
  Originator: "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe",     // Guid
  Communities:                                            // List of guid of communities to which the group is linked to, if any
    "bca0db4d-4442-4fb0-b0a7-05e74d2398bb",               // Guid
    "a79a50d4-61cd-4aca-84ef-b553aef9f28d",               // Guid

Get Vehicle Groups

Gets the list of all vehicle groups:

GET /v1/vehicle-groups/list-all

Gets the list of all vehicle groups

Status Codes

Returns a list of all groups:

    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:29Z",                // DateTime
    "LastUpdated": "2020-09-09T12:14:29Z",                // DateTime
    "Name": "London",                                     // String
    "Description": null,                                  // String (nullable)
    "Guid": "cd5619ac-b5bf-4ed7-95e4-e7c02029d6cd",       // Guid
    "VehicleCount": 0,                                    // Int
    "ID": 1                                               // Int

Get Vehicle Group list

Gets the list of all vehicle groups (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/vehicle-groups/list

Gets the list of all vehicle groups

Status Codes

Returns a paginated list of all vehicle groups:

    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-09T12:14:29Z",                // DateTime
    "LastUpdated": "2020-09-09T12:14:29Z",                // DateTime
    "Name": "London",                                     // String
    "Description": null,                                  // String (nunllable)
    "Guid": "cd5619ac-b5bf-4ed7-95e4-e7c02029d6cd",       // Guid
    "VehicleCount": 0,                                    // Int
    "ID": 1                                               // Int

Add new or edit existing vehicle group

Persists edits about a new or existing vehicle group:

POST /v1/vehicle-groups

Persists edits about a new or existing vehicle group

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",               // Guid
  Name: "London Vehicle Group",                               // String
  Description: "Description of the group",                    // Derscription (nullable)
  Communities: ["4868c8c1-b10b-45b0-95d8-5cee54d6dc76", ...]  // Guid Array

If the Guid (vehicle group guid) of an existing record is not provided, then the request will create a new record.

The field Communities containes a list of community guids to the group to be linked to, and is mandatory while creating a new group if the user has administrative rights limited to one or more community.

Possible error messages are:


No group was found for the provided Guid, no name was provided or no community was provided and the operator is not a SuperAdmin


The user is trying to link the new group to communities on which he has no administrative right.

Delete vehicle group

Marks a vehicle group as deleted:

GET /v1/vehicle-groups/{guid}

Gets details about a specific vehicle group

  • guid (string) – The guid of the group

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/vehicle-groups/{guid}

Marks a vehicle group as deleted

  • guid (string) – The guid of the group

Status Codes
guid: Group ID (guid)

If the request is successful, the corresponding record will be marked as deleted and a plain Json positive response will be returned.

Possible error messages are:


There is no vehicle group corresponding to the ID provided in the request


The specified vehicle group as already been marked as deleted


The vehicle group has vehicles currently assigned to it

Get Group vehicles

Gets the list of vehicles belonging to a specified group (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/vehicle-groups/{guid}/vehicles/list

Gets the list of vehicles belonging to a specified group

  • guid (string) – The guid of the group

Status Codes
guid: Group ID (guid)

Returns a paged list of all vehicles assigned to the specified vehicle group:

    "ID": 26,                                                     // Int
    "LicensePlate": "AA000AA",                                    // String
    "VIN": "01234567890",                                         // String
    "Sticker": "10",                                              // String
    "LastSetOperativeBy": "Administrator",                        // String (nullable)
    "IsOperative": true,                                          // Boolean
    "AdminOperativeStatus": true,                                 // Boolean
    "SystemOperativeStatus": true,                                // Boolean
    "SystemOperativeReason": "",                                  // String (nullable)
    "OverriddenSystemOperativeStatus": true,                      // Boolean
    "ForcedOperativeBy": "",                    // String (nullable)
    "Notes": null,                                                // String (nullable)
    "CategoryLabels": "{\"en\":\"Jolly Smart\"}",                 // String
    "CategoryID": 2,                                              // Int
    "Devices":                                                    // Device Array (nullable)
        "ID": 13,                                                 // Int
        "SerialNumber": "EDOXVERZKOSYXUJ",                        // String
        "LastDeviceSync": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z"                  // DateTime (nullable)
    "NominalGarage": "Udine Garage",                              // String
    "NominalGarageID": 4,                                         // Int
    "RecoveringGarage": null,                                     // String (nullable)
    "RecoveringGarageID": null,                                   // Int (nullable)
    "Latitude": 46.0838284476514,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "Longitude": 13.217754364013674,                              // Double (nullable)
    "LastPositionUpdate": "2020-09-10T08:31:16Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
    "CurrentTripGuid": null,                                      // Guid (nullable)
    "DeviceID": 13,                                               // Int (nullable)
    "LastDeviceSync": null,                                       // DateTime (nullable)
    "LastNetworkSignalStrengthPct": null,                         // Int (nullable)
    "EngineType": 0,                                              // Int
    "FuelTankCapacity": null,                                     // Int (nullable)
    "FuelLevelPct": null,                                         // Double (nullable)
    "EVBLevelPct": null,                                          // Double (nullable)
    "OdometerKm": null,                                           // Double (nullable)
    "LastOdometerReading": null,                                  // DateTime (nullable)
    "IsDamaged": true,                                            // Boolean (nullable)
    "Status": {
      "CurrentReservationEnd": "2020-09-10T09:20:00Z",            // DateTime (nullable)
      "CurrentReservationMaxStart": "2020-09-10T08:50:00Z",       // DateTime (nullable)
      "CurrentReservationMinStart": "2020-09-10T08:28:41Z",       // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastDeviceSync": null,                                     // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastMaintenanceEnd": null,                                 // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastMaintenanceStart": null,                               // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastMotion": null,                                         // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastPositionUpdate": "2020-09-10T08:31:16Z",               // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastTripEnd": "2020-09-10T08:34:33Z",                      // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastTripStart": "2020-09-10T08:31:16Z",                    // DateTime (nullable)
      "FuelLevelPct": null,                                       // Double (nullable)
      "ServiceBattery": null,                                     // Double (nullable)
      "LastNetworkSignalStrengthPct": null,                       // Int (nullable)
      "AdminOperativeStatus": true,                               // Boolean
      "SystemOperativeStatus": true,                              // Boolean
      "IsLowFuel": true,                                          // Boolean
      "IsLowEVB": true,                                           // Boolean
      "IsLostContact": true,                                      // Boolean
      "IsPositionLost": false,                                    // Boolean
      "IsReserved": true,                                         // Boolean
      "IsOnTrip": false,                                          // Boolean
      "IsOnTripAndMoving": false,                                 // Boolean
      "IsWithoutTripsForLong": false,                             // Boolean
      "IsInMaintenance": false,                                   // Boolean
      "IsInternetWeak": true                                      // Boolean
    "InternalCleaningStatus": null,                               // Int (nullable)
    "ExternalCleaningStatus": null,                               // Int (nullable)
    "IgnitionVoltageLevel": null                                  // Int (nullable)

Values of InternalCleaningStatus and ExternalCleaningStatus can be one of the VehicleCleaningStatus enumeration.

Values of EngineType can be one of the VehicleEngineTypes enumeration.

Get Group movement rules

Gets the list of movement rules applied to the vehicles in a specific group (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/vehicle-groups/{guid}/movement-rules/list

Gets the list of movement rules applied to the vehicles in a specific group

  • guid (string) – The guid of the group

Status Codes
guid: Group ID (guid)

Returns a list of all the movement rules applied to the specified vehicle group:

    "ID": 6,                                                 // Int
    "Group":                                                 // Group
      "Name": "Udine",                                       // String
      "Description": "Udine Group",                          // String (nullable)
      "Guid": "51c770b3-c4f6-4203-9067-e05666137cec",        // Guid
      "Originator": "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe"   // Guid
    "Zones": [ 11, ... ],                                    // Int Array
    "ZoneNames": "Udine, ...",                               // String
    "Type": 0,                                               // Int
    "DayOfWeekStart": null,                                  // Int (nullable)
    "DayOfWeekEnd": null,                                    // Int (nullable)
    "MinuteOfDayStart": null,                                // Int (nullable)
    "MinuteOfDayEnd": null,                                  // Int (nullable)
    "DayOfMonthStart": null,                                 // Int (nullable)
    "DayOfMonthEnd": null,                                   // Int (nullable)
    "DayStart": null,                                        // Int (nullable)
    "DayEnd": null                                           // Int (nullable)

The property Type can assume the value of 0 (Allow) or 1 (Deny) of the RuleType enumeration.

The properties Zones and ZoneNames are the list of IDs of the involved zones and a string comprised of their names divided by a comma, respectively.

If the guid is not found, a plain Json negative response will be returned.

Get Group availability rules

Gets the list of availability applied to the vehicles in a specific group (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/vehicle-groups/{guid}/availability-rules/list

Gets the list of availability applied to the vehicles in a specific group

  • guid (string) – The guid of the group

Status Codes
guid: Group ID (guid)

Returns a list of all the availability rules applied to the specified vehicle group:

    "ID": 6,                                                 // Int
    "Group":                                                 // Group
      "Name": "Udine",                                       // String
      "Description": "Udine Group",                          // String (nullable)
      "Guid": "51c770b3-c4f6-4203-9067-e05666137cec",        // Guid
      "Originator": "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe"   // Guid
    "Type": 0,                                               // Int
    "DayOfWeekStart": null,                                  // Int (nullable)
    "DayOfWeekEnd": null,                                    // Int (nullable)
    "MinuteOfDayStart": null,                                // Int (nullable)
    "MinuteOfDayEnd": null,                                  // Int (nullable)
    "DayOfMonthStart": null,                                 // Int (nullable)
    "DayOfMonthEnd": null,                                   // Int (nullable)
    "DayStart": null,                                        // Int (nullable)
    "DayEnd": null                                           // Int (nullable)

The property Type can assume only the value 1 (Vehicle Availability) of the RuleType enumeration.