Core - Movement Authorities

Module dedicated to movement authorities.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get movement authority

Gets data about a specific movement authority:

GET /v1/movement-authorities/{guid}

Gets data about a specific movement authority

  • guid (string) – The guid of the movement authority

Status Codes
guid: The guid of the movement authority (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the data of the movement authority corresponding to the ID provided in the request:

  "ID": 1234,                                                             // Int
  "CreatedDate": "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                  // DateTime
  "StartTime": "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                    // DateTime
  "EndTime": "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                      // DateTime
  "Username": "UserName",                                                 // String
  "UserEmail": "",                                          // String
  "EndLocationName": "Poole",                                             // String
  "EndLocationAddress": "134 High St, Poole BH15 1DN",                    // String
  "StartLocationName": "London",                                          // String
  "StartLocationAddress": "Golden Lane Estate, London EC1Y 0RJ",          // String
  "StartLocationLatitude": 51.508742,                                     // Double (nullable)
  "StartLocationLongitude": -0.115986,                                    // Double (nullable)
  "EndLocationLatitude": 50.713852,                                       // Double (nullable)
  "EndLocationLongitude": -1.983430,                                      // Double (nullable)
  "OriginatorKey": "c8f0ff575299ba1a7cd414f46b882e4a20b13b7eb45ba...",    // String
  "OriginatorModule": "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf783",             // Guid
  "Guid": "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",                         // Guid
  "IsConfirmed": true,                                                    // Boolean
  "IsReadyToStart": true,                                                 // Boolean
  "MinValidStartTime": "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                            // DateTime
  "MaxValidEndTime": "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                              // DateTime
  "EquipmentReference": "Vehicle Plate;Vehicle Sticker;Vehicle VIN",      // String
  "ServiceReference": "",                                                 // String
  "MaxValidStartTime": "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                            // DateTime
  "ActualTripCount": 5,                                                   // Int
  "MaxTripCount": 30,                                                     // Int
  "IsDeletable": true,                                                    // Boolean
  "DeletionDate": "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                 // DateTime (nullable)
    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-03T13:54:29Z",                              // DateTime
    "LastUpdated": "2020-09-03T13:55:09Z",                              // DateTime
    "StartLocationQuery": "Treviso",                                    // String
    "EndLocationQuery": "Treviso",                                      // String
    "StartTime": "2020-09-03T13:58:00Z",                                // DateTime
    "EndTime": "2020-09-03T14:03:00Z",                                  // DateTime (nullable)
    "Guid": "9373cad4-59aa-417b-8342-b31dba928665",                     // Guid
      "UserName": "",                              // String
      "CreatedDate": "2020-02-07T19:48:43Z",                            // DateTime
      "Guid": "908d4483-e6fd-4315-9954-751e5ecb8e35",                   // Guid
      "LastLogonTimestamp": "2020-09-03T13:49:44Z",                     // DateTime (nullable)
      "LCID": 1040,                                                     // Int
      "Language": "it-IT",                                              // String
      "IsConfirmed": true,                                              // Boolean
      "IsDisabled": false,                                              // Boolean
      "ManualApprovalDate": null,                                       // DateTime (nullable)
      "Email": "",                                 // String
      "FullName": "Giovanni Trezzi",                                    // String
      "MobilePhoneNumber": null,                                        // String
      "DeletionDate": null,                                             // DateTime (nullable)
      "ID": 2101                                                        // Int
    "DeletionDate": null,                                               // dateTime (nullable)
    "ID": 1829                                                          // Int

Get reservations

Gets the list of confirmed movement authorities between two time points (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/movement-authorities/reservations/list

Gets the list of confirmed movement authorities between two time points

Query Parameters
  • from (string) – The starting time point

  • to (string) – The ending time point

Status Codes

These parameters can be passed as URL query params:

from: (DateTime i.e. “05/01/2009 14:57:00”) to: (DateTime i.e. “05/01/2009”)

They are not required: if only one is sent the reservations will be filtered only by one end (from/to), if neither of them is sent the full list of reservation is returned

Returns a list of the all reservation between the specified interval of time, or all reservations if no time interval is provided. It is also possible to pass just one of the two parameters (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

    "CreatedDate": "2019-05-29T09:08:06Z",                           // DateTime
    "StartTime": "2019-05-30T09:07:00Z",                             // DateTime
    "EndTime": "2019-05-31T10:07:00Z",                               // DateTime
    "Username": "",                                 // String
    "UserEmail": "",                                // String
    "EndLocationName": "London Heathrow Airport",                    // String
    "EndLocationAddress": "Canberra",                                // String
    "StartLocationName": "London Gatwick Airport",                   // String
    "StartLocationAddress": "Perimeter",                             // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 51.153,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": -0.19,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 51.47,                                    // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": -0.45,                                   // Double (nullable)
    "OriginatorKey": "c8f0ff575299ba1a7cd414f46b882e4a20...",        // String
    "OriginatorModule": "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe",      // Guid
    "Guid": "fc12897d-7e9d-4704-a352-fb448dcbef4d",                  // Guid
    "IsConfirmed": true,                                             // Boolean
    "IsReadyToStart": false,                                         // Boolean
      "CreatedDate": "2019-05-29T09:08:06Z",                         // DateTime
      "LastUpdated": "2019-05-30T08:40:10Z",                         // DateTime
      "StartLocationQuery": "London",                                // String
      "EndLocationQuery": "London",                                  // String
      "StartTime": "2019-05-30T09:07:00Z",                           // DateTime
      "EndTime": "2019-05-31T10:07:00Z",                             // DateTime (nullable)
      "Guid": "5df1441c-a151-4142-937d-14fead492ae2",                // Guid
          "UserName": "",                           // String
          "CreatedDate": "2019-05-28T11:41:25Z",                     // DateTime
          "Guid": "6799f6ac-637a-4c0e-83f0-8f15108d87ee",            // Guid
          "LastLogonTimestamp": "2020-02-13T14:24:08Z",              // DateTime (nullable)
          "LCID": 0,                                                 // Int
          "Language": "en-US",                                       // String
          "IsConfirmed": true,                                       // Boolean
          "IsDisabled": false,                                       // Boolean
          "ManualApprovalDate": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
          "Email": "",                              // String
          "FullName": "Aaron Bon",                                   // String
          "MobilePhoneNumber": null,                                 // String
          "DeletionDate": null,                                      // DateTime (nullable)
          "ID": 303                                                  // Int
      "DeletionDate": null,                                          // DateTime (nullable)
      "ID": 5                                                        // Int
    "MinValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T08:37:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "MaxValidEndTime": "2019-05-31T10:37:00Z",                       // DateTime
    "EquipmentReference": null,                                      // String
    "ServiceReference": null,                                        // String
    "MaxValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T09:22:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "ActualTripCount": 0,                                            // Int
    "MaxTripCount": 1,                                               // Int
    "IsDeletable": true,                                             // Boolean
    "DeletionDate": "2019-05-29T13:20:26Z",                          // DateTime (nullable)
    "ID": 17                                                         // Int

Get movement authorities by transportation request

Gets the list of movement authorities for the specified transportation request:

GET /v1/movement-authorities/list-by-tr/{tr}

Gets the list of movement authorities for the specified transportation request

  • tr (string) – The guid of the transportation requests

Status Codes
tr: Transportation Request Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response with the list of movement authorities for the requested transportation request (the passed parameter must be a Guid):

    "CreatedDate": "2019-05-29T09:08:06Z",                           // DateTime
    "StartTime": "2019-05-30T09:07:00Z",                             // DateTime
    "EndTime": "2019-05-31T10:07:00Z",                               // DateTime
    "Username": "",                                 // String
    "UserEmail": "",                                // String
    "EndLocationName": "London Heathrow Airport",                    // String
    "EndLocationAddress": "Canberra",                                // String
    "StartLocationName": "London Gatwick Airport",                   // String
    "StartLocationAddress": "Perimeter",                             // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 51.153,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": -0.19,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 51.47,                                    // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": -0.45,                                   // Double (nullable)
    "OriginatorKey": "c8f0ff575299ba1a7cd414f46b882e4a20...",        // String
    "OriginatorModule": "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe",      // Guid
    "Guid": "fc12897d-7e9d-4704-a352-fb448dcbef4d",                  // Guid
    "IsConfirmed": true,                                             // Boolean
    "IsReadyToStart": false,                                         // Boolean
    "MinValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T08:37:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "MaxValidEndTime": "2019-05-31T10:37:00Z",                       // DateTime
    "EquipmentReference": null,                                      // String
    "ServiceReference": null,                                        // String
    "MaxValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T09:22:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "ActualTripCount": 0,                                            // Int
    "MaxTripCount": 1,                                               // Int
    "IsDeletable": true,                                             // Boolean
    "DeletionDate": "2019-05-29T13:20:26Z",                          // DateTime (nullable)
    "ID": 17                                                         // Int

Get reservations opened by the user

Gets the list of confirmed reservation for a specified user, that are not revoked and yet to start/end:

GET /v1/movement-authorities/open-authorities/{user}

Gets the list of valid reservations for a specified user

  • user (string) – The id of the user

Status Codes
user: User Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the list of reservations (the parameter must be a Guid):

    "CreatedDate": "2019-05-29T09:08:06Z",                           // DateTime
    "StartTime": "2019-05-30T09:07:00Z",                             // DateTime
    "EndTime": "2019-05-31T10:07:00Z",                               // DateTime
    "Username": "",                                 // String
    "UserEmail": "",                                // String
    "EndLocationName": "London Heathrow Airport",                    // String
    "EndLocationAddress": "Canberra",                                // String
    "StartLocationName": "London Gatwick Airport",                   // String
    "StartLocationAddress": "Perimeter",                             // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 51.153,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": -0.19,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 51.47,                                    // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": -0.45,                                   // Double (nullable)
    "OriginatorKey": "c8f0ff575299ba1a7cd414f46b882e4a20...",        // String
    "OriginatorModule": "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe",      // Guid
    "Guid": "fc12897d-7e9d-4704-a352-fb448dcbef4d",                  // Guid
    "IsConfirmed": true,                                             // Boolean
    "IsReadyToStart": false,                                         // Boolean
      "CreatedDate": "2019-05-29T09:08:06Z",                         // DateTime
      "LastUpdated": "2019-05-30T08:40:10Z",                         // DateTime
      "StartLocationQuery": "London",                                // String
      "EndLocationQuery": "London",                                  // String
      "StartTime": "2019-05-30T09:07:00Z",                           // DateTime
      "EndTime": "2019-05-31T10:07:00Z",                             // DateTime (nullable)
      "Guid": "5df1441c-a151-4142-937d-14fead492ae2",                // Guid
          "UserName": "",                           // String
          "CreatedDate": "2019-05-28T11:41:25Z",                     // DateTime
          "Guid": "6799f6ac-637a-4c0e-83f0-8f15108d87ee",            // Guid
          "LastLogonTimestamp": "2020-02-13T14:24:08Z",              // DateTime (nullable)
          "LCID": 0,                                                 // Int
          "Language": "en-US",                                       // String
          "IsConfirmed": true,                                       // Boolean
          "IsDisabled": false,                                       // Boolean
          "ManualApprovalDate": null,                                // DateTime (nullable)
          "Email": "",                              // String
          "FullName": "Aaron Bon",                                   // String
          "MobilePhoneNumber": null,                                 // String
          "DeletionDate": null,                                      // DateTime (nullable)
          "ID": 303                                                  // Int
      "DeletionDate": null,                                          // DateTime (nullable)
      "ID": 5                                                        // Int
    "MinValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T08:37:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "MaxValidEndTime": "2019-05-31T10:37:00Z",                       // DateTime
    "EquipmentReference": null,                                      // String
    "ServiceReference": null,                                        // String
    "MaxValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T09:22:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "ActualTripCount": 0,                                            // Int
    "MaxTripCount": 1,                                               // Int
    "IsDeletable": true,                                             // Boolean
    "ID": 17                                                         // Int

Get active reservation count

Gets the number of confirmed reservations that are not revoked and not yet ended:

GET /v1/movement-authorities/count-active

Gets the count of active reservations for all users

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and the count of reservations:

  123        // Int

Confirm movement authority

Confirms a specified movement authority:

POST /v1/movement-authorities/confirm/{ma}

Confirms a specified movement authority

  • ma (string) – The guid of the movement authority to confirm

Status Codes
ma: Movement Authority to confirm (Guid)

The API returns a Json positive response and the passed parameter if the request was successful (the passed parameter must be a Guid):

  "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784"        // Guid

Possible error messages are:


The provided guid does not correspond to an existing movement authority

Revoke movement authority

Revokes a confirmed movement authority:

POST /v1/movement-authorities/revoke/{ma}

Revokes a confirmed movement authority

  • ma (string) – The guid of the movement authority to revoke

Status Codes
ma: Guid of the MA to revoke (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response if the request was successful (the parameter must be a Guid).

Possible error messages are:


The provided guid does not correspond to an existing confirmed movement authority


The requested was either already revoked, expired or with an opened trip

Delete movement authority

Marks a movement authority as revoked:

DELETE /v1/movement-authorities/{id}

Marks a movement authority as deleted

  • id (integer) – The id of the movement authority

Status Codes
id: MA ID to delete (Int)

The request returns a plain Json positive response if the record was successfully deleted.

Possible error messages are:


No movement authority corresponding to the ID provided in the request


The ID provided in the request corresponds to an already deleted record


The movement authority cannot be deleted

Get trips by movement authority

Gets the list of trips started by a specified movement authority (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/movement-authorities/{id}/trips

Gets the list of trips started by a specified movement authority

  • id (integer) – The id of the movement authority

Status Codes
id: The id of the movement authority (Int)

Returns the list of trips:

    "ID": 522,                                                            // Int
    "StartTimestamp": "2020-09-02T15:55:11Z",                             // DateTime
    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-02T15:54:09Z",                                // DateTime
    "Guid": "75ddfa8a-ce6d-4db4-80cc-b75ee3f736e5",                       // Guid
    "IsCompleted": true,                                                  // Boolean
    "IsBillable": false,                                                  // Boolean
    "BillableReason": null,                                               // String (nullable)
    "StartLocationName": "Treviso",                                       // String
    "EndLocationName": "Treviso",                                         // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,                          // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,                         // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,                            // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,                           // Double (nullable)
    "EndTimestamp": "2020-09-02T16:01:48Z",                               // DateTime (nullable)
    "ActualMileageKm": 0,                                                 // Int
    "ActualDurationSeconds": 397,                                         // Int
    "EquipmentReference": "Vehicle Plate;Vehicle Sticker;Vehicle VIN",    // String
    "ServiceReference": null,                                             // String (nullable)
    "Duration": 397,                                                      // Int
    "Status": 4,                                                          // Int (enum TripStatus)
    "DeletionDate": null,                                                 // DateTime (nullable)

The value of the Status property can be one of the TripStatus enumeration.

The BillableReason property may be valorized only if IsBillable is set to true.

Get movement details by movement authority

Gets the list of movement details for a specified movement authority (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/movement-authorities/{id}/movement-details

Gets the list of movement details for a specified movement authority

  • id (integer) – The id of the movement authority

Status Codes
id: The id of the movement authority (Int)

Returns a list of the movement details for the requested movement authority:

    "OriginatorKey": "ma-vehicle-device-secret-0",                               // String
    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-02T15:53:46Z",                                       // DateTime
    "Labels": "{\"en\":\"Manufacturer:\",\"it\":\"Produttore:\",...}",           // String
    "ValueLabels": "{\"en\":\"English text\",\"it\":\"Testo in italiano\",...}", // String
    "Value": "Toyota",                                                           // String
    "ValueType": 2,                                                              // Int (enum AdditionalValueType)
    "DeletionDate": null,                                                        // DateTime (nullable)
    "ID": 24392                                                                  // Int

The value of the OriginatorKey property can be one of the value described in Movement Authorities.

The value of the ValueType property can be one of the AdditionalValueTypes enumeration.

The fields Labels and ValueLabels contain a stringified Json containing pairs “language code”:”localized value”

The type of the contents of the Value field depends on the value specified in ValueType field

Gets approaching reservations without vehicle

Gets the list of reservations starting within a given time frame (defined by the configuration variable MA_CONFIRM_ADVANCE_MINUTES) and without an assigned vehicle:

GET /v1/movement-authorities/approaching-without-vehicle

Gets the list of reservations approaching without an assigned vehicle

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and a list of the reservations:

    "CreatedDate": "2019-05-29T09:08:06Z",                           // DateTime
    "StartTime": "2019-05-30T09:07:00Z",                             // DateTime
    "EndTime": "2019-05-31T10:07:00Z",                               // DateTime
    "Username": "",                                 // String
    "UserEmail": "",                                // String
    "EndLocationName": "London Heathrow Airport",                    // String
    "EndLocationAddress": "Canberra",                                // String
    "StartLocationName": "London Gatwick Airport",                   // String
    "StartLocationAddress": "Perimeter",                             // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 51.153,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": -0.19,                                 // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 51.47,                                    // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": -0.45,                                   // Double (nullable)
    "OriginatorKey": "c8f0ff575299ba1a7cd414f46b882e4a20...",        // String
    "OriginatorModule": "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe",      // Guid
    "Guid": "fc12897d-7e9d-4704-a352-fb448dcbef4d",                  // Guid
    "IsConfirmed": true,                                             // Boolean
    "IsReadyToStart": false,                                         // Boolean
    "MinValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T08:37:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "MaxValidEndTime": "2019-05-31T10:37:00Z",                       // DateTime
    "EquipmentReference": null,                                      // String, always null
    "ServiceReference": null,                                        // String (nullable)
    "MaxValidStartTime": "2019-05-30T09:22:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "ActualTripCount": 0,                                            // Int
    "MaxTripCount": 1,                                               // Int
    "IsDeletable": true,                                             // Boolean
    "ID": 17                                                         // Int

Get list of news

Gets the list of news regarding attention reason for reservations:

GET /v1/movement-authorities/attention-reason-news

Gets the list of news regarding attention reason for reservations

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and a list of news:

  [ Guid array ]        // Guid Array

Returns a plain Json negative response if the request is not successful.