Core - Trips

Module dedicated to the trips.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get trip

Gets data about a specific trip:

GET /v1/trips/{guid}

Gets data about a specific trip

  • guid (string) – The guid of the trip

Status Codes
guid: Trip Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the requested trip (Guid of the trip):

  "CreatedDate": "2020-09-03T06:47:55Z",                  // DateTime
  "Guid": "91de0c8c-ce20-420f-84c7-61b4031c7696",         // Guid
  "IsCompleted": true,                                    // Boolean
  "IsBillable": false,                                    // Boolean
  "BillableReason": null,                                 // String (nullable)
  "StartLocationName": "Treviso",                         // String
  "EndLocationName": "Treviso",                           // String (nullable)
  "StartLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,            // Double (nullable)
  "StartLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,           // Double (nullable)
  "EndLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,              // Double (nullable)
  "EndLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,             // Double (nullable)
  "EndTimestamp": "2020-09-03T06:48:40Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
  "StartTimestamp": "2020-09-03T06:47:52Z",               // DateTime
  "ActualMileageKm": 0,                                   // Int
  "ActualDurationSeconds": 0,                             // Int
  "EquipmentReference": null,                             // String (nullable)
  "ServiceReference": null,                               // String (nullable)
  "Duration": 48,                                         // Int (in seconds)
  "User": {
    "CreatedDate": "2020-02-07T19:48:43Z",                // DateTime
    "UserName": "",                // String
    "Guid": "908d4483-e6fd-4315-9954-751e5ecb8e35",       // Guid
    "LastLogonTimestamp": "2020-09-03T13:49:44Z",         // DateTime
    "LCID": 1040,                                         // Int
    "Language": "it-IT",                                  // String
    "IsConfirmed": true,                                  // Boolean
    "IsDisabled": false,                                  // Boolean
    "ManualApprovalDate": null,                           // DateTime (nullable)
    "Email": "",                   // String
    "FullName": "Gianni Gianni",                          // String
    "MobilePhoneNumber": null,                            // String
    "ID": 2101                                            // Int
    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-03T06:47:28Z",                // DateTime
    "StartTime": "2020-09-03T06:50:00Z",                  // DateTime
    "EndTime": "2020-09-03T06:55:00Z",                    // DateTime
    "EndLocationName": "Treviso",                         // String
    "EndLocationAddress": "Via Castage, Treviso",         // String
    "StartLocationName": "Treviso",                       // String
    "StartLocationAddress": "Via Castagne, Treviso",      // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,          // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,         // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,            // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,           // Double (nullable)
    "OriginatorKey": "c8f0ff575299ba1a72e4a20b1...",      // String
    "OriginatorModule": "32b297..",                       // Guid
    "Guid": "8796ef0c-0b51-4db3-a6ee-20229b35b250",       // Guid
    "IsConfirmed": true,                                  // Boolean
    "IsReadyToStart": true,                               // Boolean
    "MinValidStartTime": "2020-09-03T06:47:28Z",          // DateTime
    "MaxValidEndTime": "2020-09-03T07:25:00Z",            // DateTime
    "EquipmentReference": "MV003BB;;3VWSF91C5K78BH0JL0",  // String  (nullable)
    "ServiceReference": null,                             // String (nullable)
    "MaxValidStartTime": "2020-09-03T06:55:00Z",          // DateTime
    "ActualTripCount": 1,                                 // Int
    "MaxTripCount": 1,                                    // Int
    "IsDeletable": false,                                 // Boolean
    "ID": 2194                                            // Int
  "Status": 4,                                            // Int
  "ID": 530                                               // Int

Value of the Status field can be one of the TripStatus enumeration.

The BillableReason property may be valorized only if IsBillable is set to true.

Get trips

Gets the list of trips filtered by trip status or time intervals (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/trips/list

Gets the list of trips, whether open or not, between two dates

Query Parameters
  • open (boolean) – If True, only open trips. If False, only closed trips. If null, both open and closed trips.

  • from (string) – The starting date

  • to (string) – The ending date

Status Codes

The optional parameters for the request are:

open: true or false
from: "2020/01/01 10:00:00"
to:   "2020/01/01 22:00:00"

The open parameter allows you to filter trips that are currently open or closed. If no parameter is provided then all trips will be returned regardless of their status.

The parameters from and to specify the starting time and end time of the trips. Either parameters are optional, and if none are provided all trips are returned regardless of time intervals.

Returns a list of the trips with the following format:

    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-03T06:47:55Z",                  // DateTime
    "Guid": "91de0c8c-ce20-420f-84c7-61b4031c7696",         // Guid
    "IsCompleted": true,                                    // Boolean
    "IsBillable": false,                                    // Boolean
    "BillableReason": null,                                 // String (nullable)
    "StartLocationName": "Treviso",                         // String
    "EndLocationName": "Treviso",                           // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,            // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,           // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 45.669532661484325,              // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": 12.161521911621096,             // Double (nullable)
    "EndTimestamp": "2020-09-03T06:48:40Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
    "StartTimestamp": "2020-09-03T06:47:52Z",               // DateTime
    "ActualMileageKm": 0,                                   // Int
    "ActualDurationSeconds": 0,                             // Int
    "EquipmentReference": null,                             // String (nullable)
    "ServiceReference": null,                               // String (nullable)
    "Duration": 48,                                         // Int (in seconds)
    "User": {
      "CreatedDate": "2020-02-07T19:48:43Z",                // DateTime
      "UserName": "",                // String
      "Guid": "908d4483-e6fd-4315-9954-751e5ecb8e35",       // Guid
      "LastLogonTimestamp": "2020-09-03T13:49:44Z",         // DateTime
      "LCID": 1040,                                         // Int
      "Language": "it-IT",                                  // String
      "IsConfirmed": true,                                  // Boolean
      "IsDisabled": false,                                  // Boolean
      "ManualApprovalDate": null,                           // DateTime (nullable)
      "Email": "",                   // String
      "FullName": "Gianni Gianni",                          // String
      "MobilePhoneNumber": null,                            // String
      "ID": 2101                                            // Int
    "Status": 4,                                            // Int (enum TripStatus)
    "ID": 530                                               // Int

Value of the Status field can be one of the TripStatus enumeration.

The BillableReason property may be valorized only if IsBillable is set to true.

Get user trips

Gets the list of trips for a specified user (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/trips/user-trips/{user}

Gets the list of trips for a specified user

  • user (string) – The guid of the user

Status Codes
user: Guid USER (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response with the list of all trips for the specified user (Guid of the user):

    "CreatedDate": "2019-09-29T12:25:17Z",                    // DateTime
    "Guid": "1a906d9e-73d0-4116-961a-b0fdbc3aac1d",           // Guid
    "IsCompleted": true,                                      // Boolean
    "IsBillable": false,                                      // Boolean
    "BillableReason": null,                                   // String (nullable)
    "StartLocationName": "Milan Malpensa Airport - ParkinGO", // String
    "EndLocationName": "Milan Malpensa Airport - ParkinGO",   // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 45.634623,                       // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": 8.7033,                         // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 45.9666377,                        // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": 12.9765353,                       // Double (nullable)
    "EndTimestamp": "2019-09-29T12:25:34Z",                   // DateTime (nullable)
    "StartTimestamp": "2019-09-29T12:25:17Z",                 // DateTime
    "ActualMileageKm": 0,                                     // Int
    "ActualDurationSeconds": 0,                               // Int
    "EquipmentReference": null,                               // String (nullable)
    "ServiceReference": null,                                 // String (nullable)
    "Duration": 16,                                           // Int
    "Status": 4,                                              // Int
    "ID": 56                                                  // Int

Value of the Status field can be one of the TripStatus enumeration.

The BillableReason property may be valorized only if IsBillable is set to true.

If there is no user corresponding to the Guid provided in the request, it will return a plain Json negative response.

Get trip user

Gets data about the user performing a specified trip:

GET /v1/trips/{guid}/user

Gets data about the user performing a specified trip

  • guid (string) – The guid of the trip

Status Codes
guid: Trip Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the user of the trip (Guid of the trip):

  "CreatedDate": "2020-02-07T19:48:43Z",                // DateTime
  "UserName": "",                // String
  "Guid": "908d4483-e6fd-4315-9954-751e5ecb8e35",       // Guid
  "LastLogonTimestamp": "2020-09-03T13:49:44Z",         // DateTime
  "LCID": 1040,                                         // Int
  "Language": "it-IT",                                  // String
  "IsConfirmed": true,                                  // Boolean
  "IsDisabled": false,                                  // Boolean
  "ManualApprovalDate": null,                           // DateTime (nullable)
  "Email": "",                   // String
  "FullName": "Gianni Gianni",                          // String
  "MobilePhoneNumber": null,                            // String
  "ID": 2101                                            // Int

Returns a plain Json negative response if the Guid of the trip provided in the request does not correspond to any existing record, or if there is no user data for that trip.

Open trip

Opens a trip from a movement authority:

POST /v1/trips/open-trip/{mid}

Opens a trip from a movement authority

  • mid (integer) – The ID of the movement authority

Status Codes
mid: The ID of the movement authority (int)

Returns a Json positive response and the Guid of the opened trip:

  Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784"             // Guid

Returns a plain Json negative response if there is no current user logged in or if there was a problem opening the trip.

Possible errors are:


The provided ID does not correspond to any existing movement authority


The movement authority is not marked as ready


The movement authority has no trip and is past its maximum possible start time


Maximum number of trips reached on the specified movement authority

Close trip

Closes the specified trip:

POST /v1/trips/close-trip/{t}

Closes a specified trip

  • t (integer) – The ID of the trip to close

Status Codes
mid: The ID of the movement authority (int)

Returns a plain Json positive response if the trip is successfully closed.

Returns a plain Json negative response if there is no current user logged in or if there was a problem closing the trip.

Possible errors are:


No trip corresponding to the specified trip


The specified trip is already closed

Download user trips

Gets the list of trips for a specified user as an Excel file:

GET /v1/trips/download-excel/{user}

Gets the list of trips for a specified user as an Excel file

  • user (string) – The guid of the user

Status Codes
user: Userr Guid (Guid)

Returns an excel file with all the trips of the user (Guid of the user) in the time range or nothing if the user was not found.

With a request body like this:

  startDate: "2020/01/01 10:00:00",
  endDate: "2020/01/02 10:00:00"

If neither startDate and endDate is valorized, the API will return the list of trips of a specified range of months (as set in the configuration variable DEFAULT_USER_TRIPS_EXPORT_MONTHS). If only one of the two parameters is valorized, the other one will be set to cover the specified range of months.

The fields in the Excel sheet are:

Start from
Start at
End to
End at

Get trip events

Gets the list of events for a trip (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/trips/events/{t}

Gets the list of events for a trip

  • t (string) – The guid of the trip

Status Codes
t: Trip Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the list of all the events for the trip corresponding to the trip guid provided in the request:

    "Timestamp": "2019-09-29T12:25:34Z",      // DateTime
    "CreatedDate": "2019-09-29T12:25:34Z",    // DateTime
    "Latitude": 45.9666377,                   // Double (nullable)
    "Longitude": 12.9765353,                  // Double (nullable)
    "Source": 1,                              // Int (enum TripEventSource)
    "Type": 3,                                // Int (enum TripEventType)
    "AdditionalData": null,                   // String
    "ID": 259                                 // Int

Value types of Source can be one of the TripEventSource. Value types of Type can be one of the TripEventType.

Returns a plain Json negative response if the trip guid does not correspond to any existing record.

Get trip details

Gets the list of trip details for a specified trip (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/trips/details/{t}

Gets the list of trip details for a specified trip

  • t (string) – The guid of the trip

Status Codes
t: Trip Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the list of all the details for the trip corresponding to the trip guid provided in the request:

    "OriginatorKey": "wk-res-groups",                                                             // String
    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-03T06:48:13Z",                                                        // DateTime
    "Labels": "{\"en\":\"Actual parking time (s):\",\"it\":\"Tempo effettivo di sosta (s):\"}",   // String
    "ValueLabels": null,                                                                          // String (nullable)
    "Value": "2ddc0f63-e924-4fba-8e31-fa5803bf1e39",                                              // String
    "ValueType": 4,                                                                               // Int
    "ID": 2613                                                                                    // Int

The value of the OriginatorKey property can be one of the value described in Trip Details.

The ValueType field can be one of the AdditionalValueTypes enumeration.

The type of the contents of the Value field depends on the value specified in ValueType field

Returns a plain Json negative response if the trip guid does not correspond to any existing record.

Get trips exceeding expected duration

Gets the list of trips that need fleet manager intervention:

GET /v1/trips/exceeding-duration

Gets the list of trips that exceed the estimated duration

Status Codes

Gets the list of trips that exceed the estimated duration:

    ID: 1234,                                                 // Int
    CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                      // DateTime
    Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",             // Guid
    IsCompleted: true,                                        // Boolean
    IsBillable: true,                                         // Boolean
    BillableReason: null,                                     // String (nullable)
    StartLocationName: "London Heathrow",                     // String
    EndLocationName: "London Gatwick",                        // String
    StartLocationLatitude: 51.4700223,                        // Double (nullable)
    StartLocationLongitude: -0.4542955,                       // Double (nullable)
    EndLocationLatitude: 51.1536654,                          // Double (nullable)
    EndLocationLongitude: -0.1842569,                         // Double (nullable)
    EndTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                     // DateTime (nullable)
    StartTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                   // DateTime
    ActualMileageKm: 600,                                     // Int
    ActualDurationSeconds: 1200,                              // Int
    EquipmentReference: "...",                                // String (nullable)
    ServiceReference: "...",                                  // String (nullable)
    Duration: 120,                                            // Int (in seconds)
    Status: 4,                                                // Int
    Deletiondate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                     // DateTime (nullable)

Value of the Status field can be one of the TripStatus enumeration.

The BillableReason property may be valorized only if IsBillable is set to true.

Get attention required trips news

Gets the list of news regarding attention-needing trips:

GET /v1/trips/attention-reason-news

Gets the list of news regarding attention-needing trips

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response with the list of news about trips that required attention:

    ID: 1234,                                                 // Int
    CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                      // DateTime
    Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",             // Guid
    IsCompleted: true,                                        // Boolean
    IsBillable: true,                                         // Boolean
    BillableReason: null,                                     // String (nullable)
    StartLocationName: "London Heathrow",                     // String
    EndLocationName: "London Gatwick",                        // String
    StartLocationLatitude: 51.4700223,                        // Double (nullable)
    StartLocationLongitude: -0.4542955,                       // Double (nullable)
    EndLocationLatitude: 51.1536654,                          // Double (nullable)
    EndLocationLongitude: -0.1842569,                         // Double (nullable)
    EndTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                     // DateTime (nullable)
    StartTimestamp: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                   // DateTime
    ActualMileageKm: 600,                                     // Int
    ActualDurationSeconds: 1200,                              // Int
    EquipmentReference: "...",                                // String (nullable)
    ServiceReference: "...",                                  // String (nullable)
    Duration: 120,                                            // Int (in seconds)
    Status: 4,                                                // Int
    Deletiondate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                     // DateTime (nullable)

Value of the Status field can be one of the TripStatus enumeration.

The BillableReason property may be valorized only if IsBillable is set to true.

Returns a plain Json negative response if there was an error retrieving the list.