Vehicle - Billable Trips

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get trip

Gets data about a specific trip:

GET /v1/billable-trips/{guid}

Gets data about a specific trip

  • guid (string) – The guid of the trip

Status Codes
guid: Trip Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the specified trip:

  ID: 100,                                        // Int
  CreatedDate: "2020-05-05T07:20:08Z",            // DateTime
  LastUpdated: "2020-05-05T07:20:08Z",            // DateTime
  Guid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",   // Guid
  IsCompleted: true,                              // Boolean
  IsBillable: true,                               // Boolean
  BillableReason: "...",                          // String
  StartLocationName: "Milan",                     // String
  EndLocationName: "Milan",                       // String
  StartLocationLatitude: 1.0000,                  // Double (nullable)
  StartLocationLongitude: 2.0000,                 // Double (nullable)
  EndLocationLatitude: 3.0000,                    // Double (nullable)
  EndLocationLongitude: 4.0000,                   // Double (nullable)
  EndTimestamp: "2020-05-05T07:20:08Z",           // DateTime (nullable)
  StartTimestamp: "2020-05-05T07:20:08Z",         // DateTime
  ActualMileageKm: 1500,                          // Int
  ActualDurationSeconds: 10000,                   // Int
  EquipmentReference: "...",                      // String (nullable)
  ServiceReference: "...",                        // String (nullable)
  RemainingSeconds: 100,                          // Int
  DeletionDate: null                              // DateTime (nullable)

Get trip vehicle

Gets the vehicle for a specific trip:

GET /v1/billable-trips/{guid}/vehicle

Gets the vehicle for a specific trip

  • guid (string) – The guid of the trip to search the vehicle for

Status Codes
guid: Trip Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the details of the vehicle:

  ID: 37,                                                     // Int
  LicensePlate: "AB 123 CD",                                  // String
  VIN: "343434343434343434",                                  // String
  Sticker: "...",                                             // String
  LastSetOperativeBy: "User Name",                            // String
  IsOperative: false,                                         // Boolean
  AdminOperativeStatus: true,                                 // Boolean
  SystemOperativeStatus: false,                               // Boolean
  SystemOperativeReason: "...",                               // String (nullable)
  "OverriddenSystemOperativeStatus": true,                    // Boolean
  "ForcedOperativeBy": "",                  // String (nullable)
  Notes: "notes",                                             // String (nullable)
  CategoryLabels: "{\"en\":\"Sedan\",...}",                   // String
  CategoryID: 4,                                              // Int
    ID: 4,                                                    // Int
    Labels: "{\"en\":\"Sedan\",...}",                         // String
    Children: [ CategoryDescription object array ]
  Devices: [                                                  // Object array (nullable)
      ID:12,                                                  // Int
      SerialNumber:"123124124"                                // String
  NominalGarage: "London Maintenance Garage",                 // String
  NominalGarageID: 1,                                         // Int
  RecoveringGarage: "...",                                    // String (nullable)
  RecoveringGarageID: 2,                                      // Int (nullable)
  Latitude: 51.1536654,                                       // Double (nullable)
  Longitude: -0.1842569,                                      // Double (nullable)
  LastPositionUpdate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                 // DateTime (nullable)
  Groups: [ Guid array ],                                     // Guid Array
  CurrentTripGuid: "53155c4a-b2a0-412f-ab41-552d9ccdf784",    // Guid (nullable)
  DeviceID: 123,                                              // Int (nullable)
  LastDeviceSync: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                     // DateTime (nullable)
  LastNetworkSignalStrengthPct: 12,                           // Int (nullable)
  FuelSoCLevel: 50.123.                                       // Int (nullable)
  OdometerKm: 1000.123,                                       // Int (nullable)
  IsDamaged: false,                                           // Boolean (nullable)
  InternalCleaningStatus: 4,                                  // Int (nullable)
  ExternalCleaningStatus: 4,                                  // Int (nullable)
  IgnitionVoltageLevel: 130                                   // Int (nullable)

The field CategoryLabels and Labels in CategoryTree contain a stringified Json containing pairs “language code”:”localized value”

Value of the InternalCleaningStatus and ExternalCleaningStatus can be one of the VehicleCleaningStatus enumeration.

Get GPS Path

Gets the GPS path for a specific trip:

GET /v1/billable-trips/{guid}/path

Gets the GPS path for a specific trip

  • guid (string) – The guid of the trip to search the gps path for

Status Codes
guid: Trip Guid (Guid)

Returns a Json positive response and the GPS path of the trip corresponding to the guid provided:

  Samples: [ [ key1,lat1,lon1,altitude1 ], [key2,lat2,lon2,altitude2 ], ...], // Int 2D Array
  Start: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                              // DateTime
  MinCorner: [double, double],                                                // Double Array (two values)
  MaxCorner: [double, double],                                                // Double Array (two values)
  MinAltitude: double,                                                        // Double (nullable)
  MaxAltitude: double,                                                        // Double (nullable)

Samples: key=Seconds from trip begin; lat=Latitude; lon=Logitude; altitude=Elevation (nullable). The fields MinCorner `` and ``MaxCorner are arrays of [latitude, longitude]

Possible errores are:


No trip corresponding to the guid provided in the request


The specified trip does not have a vehicle

Get vehicles

Gets all the vehicles involved in any trip

GET /v1/billable-trips/vehicles

Gets all the vehicles involved in any trip, for list display purposes

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and the list of vehicles:

    ID: 12,                                   // Int
    LicensePlate: "AB345TR",                  // String
    Trip: [ Array of Billable Trips Guid ]    // Guid Array

Returns a plain Json negative response if ther was any problem retrieving the data.

Extend reservation

Allows the user to ask for an extension of the trip’s reservation

POST /v1/billable-trips/{guid}/extend

Request a reservation extension for a running trip

  • guid (string) – The guid of the trip

Status Codes
guid: Trip Guid (Guid)

The API accepts a request body in the following format:

  EndTime: '2021-01-01 00:00:00'    // DateTime

and will respond with a response body in the following format:

  Result: true    // Boolean, true if extension accepted, false if refused

The API will respond with one of the following errors:


No trip has been found for the provided guid, or the trip was already closed


No EndTime has been provided, or its value is less or equal to the current authority end time


The reservation already reached the maximum number of allowed extensions, expressed in the MAMaxExtensions environment variable


The reservetion extension request came outside of the allowed grace time period befor the reservation expected end, as expressed in the MAMaxExtensionAdvanceMinutes environment variable


The required extension is more than the maximum extension duration, expressed in minutes in the MAMaxExtensionTime environment variable


The required extension is less than the minimum extension duration, expressed in minutes in the MAMinExtensionTime environment variable