Vehicle - Movement Authorities

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get movement authorities of vehicle

Gets the list of movement authorities for a specific vehicle (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/movement-authorities/list-by-vehicle/{id}

Gets the list of movement authorities still to be executed for a specific vehicle

  • id (integer) – The id of the vehicle

Status Codes
id: Vehicle ID (int)

Returns the list of all the movement authorities currently active on the specified vehicle:

    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-11T14:26:25Z",                         // DateTime
    "StartTime": "2020-09-11T14:30:00Z",                           // DateTime
    "EndTime": "2020-09-11T15:30:00Z",                             // DateTime
    "EndLocationName": "Udine",                                    // String
    "EndLocationAddress": "Via Rialto, 1",                         // String
    "StartLocationName": "Udine",                                  // String
    "StartLocationAddress": "Via Rialto, 1",                       // String
    "StartLocationLatitude": 46.0838284476514,                     // Double (nullable)
    "StartLocationLongitude": 13.217754364013674,                  // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLatitude": 46.0838284476514,                       // Double (nullable)
    "EndLocationLongitude": 13.217754364013674,                    // Double (nullable)
    "OriginatorKey": "c8f0ff575299ba1a7cd414f46b882e4a2...",       // String
    "OriginatorModule": "32b297a5-8180-420f-9482-84bfc7f55efe",    // Guid
    "Guid": "5b02f055-4fa4-4d02-9ae9-bc9186ca10e2",                // Guid
    "IsConfirmed": true,                                           // Boolean
    "IsReadyToStart": true,                                        // Boolean
    "MaxTripCount": 1,                                             // Int
    "MinValidStartTime": "2020-09-11T14:26:25Z",                   // DateTime
    "MaxValidEndTime": "2020-09-11T16:00:00Z",                     // DateTime
    "MaxValidStartTime": "2020-09-11T14:45:00Z",                   // DateTime
    "EquipmentReference": "AA000AA;;01234567890",                  // String (nullable)
    "ServiceReference": null,                                      // String (nullable)
    "DeletionDate": null,                                          // DateTime (nullable)
    "ID": 5,                                                       // Int

Get allowed vehicle categories

Gets the list of allowed vehicle categories guid given a reservation’s base data

POST /v1/movement-authorities/allowed-categories

Gets the list of usable categories for a given movement authority

Status Codes

The API accept a JsonBody with the following format:

  StartLocationQuery: "London Gatwick",                            // String
  EndLocationQuery: "London Heathrow",                             // String
  StartTime: "2020/01/01 10:00:00",                                // DateTime
  EndTime: "2020/01/01 11:00:00",                                  // DateTime
  ResourceGroups: ["b16eba05-725e-4491-b734-23e25e6b03fd", ...]    // Guid array

where ResourceGroups is the list of the guid of the resource groups visible to the reservation’s user. The API will return the list of allowed vehicle categories’ guid:

[ "6df1d8da-bb55-4dd1-b612-ecc9e9d1a7f6", "1eea2c3f-0ac6-4bd9-9ccb-e3ff15a5ef80", ... ]

Possible error messages are:

The start date is either not valid or is in the past


The end date is either not valid or is earlier than the start date