Vehicle - Damage Reports

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get damage report

Gets data about a specific damage report:

GET /v1/damage-reports/{id}

Gets data about a specific damage report

  • id (integer) – The id of the report

Status Codes

Returns a Json positive response and the data of the specified damage report:

  "ID": 1,                                                    // Int
  "Guid": "186e94b5-c383-47ff-8dc9-5b124df62d28",             // Guid
  "CreatedDate": "2020-09-10T08:33:30Z",                      // DateTime
  "ReportingUser": "21b3da2c-159c-4d76-ad25-e4a8452513ab",    // Guid
  "ReportingUserName": "",                      // String
  "Severity": 1,                                              // Int
  "Solved": null,                                             // DateTime (nullable)
  "IsBlocking": null,                                         // Boolean (nullable)
  "SolvingUser": null,                                        // Guid (nullable)
  "SolvingUserName": null,                                    // String (nullable)
  "Notes": "Internal mirror damage",                          // String (nullable)
  "Attachments":                                              // Guid Array
    "f13abe76-91e1-4d18-be36-6edf68c840dc"                    // Guid
    "ID": 26,                                                 // Int
    "LicensePlate": "AA000AA",                                // String
    "VIN": "01234567890",                                     // String
    "Sticker": null,                                          // String
    "LastSetOperativeBy": null,                               // String (nullable)
    "IsOperative": true,                                      // Boolean (nullable)
    "AdminOperativeStatus": true,                             // Boolean
    "SystemOperativeStatus": true,                            // Boolean
    "SystemOperativeReason": "",                              // String (nullable)
    "OverriddenSystemOperativeStatus": true,                  // Boolean
    "ForcedOperativeBy": "",                // String (nullable)
    "Notes": null,                                            // String (nullable)
    "CategoryLabels": "{\"en\":\"Jolly Smart\"}",             // String
    "CategoryID": 2,                                          // Int
    "CategoryTree":                                           // Category Array (nullable)
      "ID": 1,                                                // Int
      "Labels": "{\"en\":\"City Car\"}",                      // String
          "ID": 2,                                            // Int
          "Labels": "{\"en\":\"Jolly Smart\"}",               // String
          "Children": null                                    // Category Array (nullable)
    "Devices":                                                // Device Array (nullable)
        "ID": 13,                                             // Int
        "SerialNumber": "EDOXVERZKOSYXUJ",                    // String
        "LastDeviceSync": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z"              // DateTime (nullable)
    "NominalGarage": null,                                    // String (nullable)
    "NominalGarageID": 4,                                     // Int
    "RecoveringGarage": null,                                 // String (nullable)
    "RecoveringGarageID": null,                               // Int (nullable)
    "Latitude": 46.0838284476514,                             // Double (nullable)
    "Longitude": 13.217754364013674,                          // Double (nullable)
    "LastPositionUpdate": "2020-09-10T08:31:16Z",             // DateTime (nullable)
    "Groups": [ ],                                            // Guid Array (nullable)
    "CurrentTripGuid": null,                                  // Guid (nullable)
    "DeviceID": 13,                                           // Int (nullable)
    "LastDeviceSync": null,                                   // DateTime (nullable)
    "LastNetworkSignalStrengthPct": null,                     // Int (nullable)
    "EngineType": 0,                                          // Int
    "FuelTankCapacity": null,                                 // Int (nullable)
    "FuelLevelPct": null,                                     // Double (nullable)
    "EVBLevelPct": null,                                      // Double (nullable)
    "OdometerKm": null,                                       // Double (nullable)
    "LastOdometerReading": null,                              // DateTime (nullable)
    "IsDamaged": true,                                        // Boolean (nullable)
    "Status":                                                 // Object (VehicleStatus)
      "CurrentReservationEnd": null,                          // DateTime (nullable)
      "CurrentReservationMaxStart": null,                     // DateTime (nullable)
      "CurrentReservationMinStart": null,                     // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastDeviceSync": null,                                 // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastMaintenanceEnd": null,                             // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastMaintenanceStart": null,                           // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastMotion": null,                                     // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastPositionUpdate": "2020-09-10T08:31:16Z",           // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastTripEnd": "2020-09-10T08:34:33Z",                  // DateTime (nullable)
      "LastTripStart": "2020-09-10T08:31:16Z",                // DateTime (nullable)
      "FuelLevelPct": null,                                   // Double (nullable)
      "ServiceBattery": null,                                 // Double (nullable)
      "LastNetworkSignalStrengthPct": null,                   // Int (nullable)
      "AdminOperativeStatus": true,                           // Boolean
      "SystemOperativeStatus": true,                          // Boolean
      "IsLowFuel": true,                                      // Boolean
      "IsLowEVB": true,                                       // Boolean
      "IsLostContact": true,                                  // Boolean
      "IsPositionLost": false,                                // Boolean
      "IsReserved": true,                                     // Boolean
      "IsOnTrip": false,                                      // Boolean
      "IsOnTripAndMoving": false,                             // Boolean
      "IsWithoutTripsForLong": false,                         // Boolean
      "IsInMaintenance": false,                               // Boolean
      "IsInternetWeak": true                                  // Boolean
  "InternalCleaningStatus": null,                             // Int (nullable)
  "ExternalCleaningStatus": null,                             // Int (nullable)
  "IgnitionVoltageLevel": null                                // Int (nullable)

The field CategoryLabels in Vehicle and Labels in CategoryTree contain a stringified Json containing pairs “language code”:”localized value”

Values of the property Severity can be one of the DamageSeverity enumeration.

Values of the properties InternalCleaningStatus and ExternalCleaningStatus can be one of the VehicleCleaningStatus enumeration.

Values of EngineType can be one of the VehicleEngineTypes enumeration.

The fields NominalGarage, RecoveringGarage and Groups are always either null or empty string/array.

Get damage report list

Gets the list of damage reports (it’s a Paged List APIs, as explained in the introduction):

GET /v1/damage-reports/list

Gets the list of damage reports

Status Codes

Returns a list of all damage reports:

    "ID": 1,                                                  // Int
    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-10T08:33:30Z",                    // DateTime
    "ReportingUser": "21b3da2c-159c-4d76-ad25-e4a8452513ab",  // Guid
    "ReportingUserName": "",                    // String
    "Severity": 1,                                            // Int
    "Solved": null,                                           // DateTime (nullable)
    "IsBlocking": null,                                       // Boolean (nullable)
    "SolvingUser": null,                                      // Guid (nullable)
    "SolvingUserName": null,                                  // String (nullable)
    "Notes": "Internal mirror damage",                        // String (nullable)
    "Attachments":                                            // Guid Array
      "f13abe76-91e1-4d18-be36-6edf68c840dc"                  // Guid
    "VehicleID": 26,                                          // Int
    "LicensePlate": "AA000AA",                                // String
    "OperationID": null,                                      // Int (nullable)
    "OperatingBaseID": null,                                  // int (nullable)
    "OperatingBase": null,                                    // String (nullable)
    "LastOperationUpdate": null,                              // DateTime (nullable)
    "OperationEnteredBy": null,                               // String (nullable)
    "OperationSignedOffBy": null,                             // String (nullable)
    "OperationPerformedBy": null,                             // String (nullable)
    "OperationCompleted": false,                              // Boolean
    "OperationSuccessful": false                              // Boolean

Value of the property Severity can be one of the DamageSeverity enumeration.

The data related to the specific maintenance operation (OperationID through OperationSuccessful) here are always set as either null or false.

Update Damage Report

Persists the edit about an existing damage report:

POST /v1/damage-reports

Persists edits about an existing damage report

Status Codes

with a request body like:

  ID: 43,                                                     // Int
  IsBlocking: true,                                           // Boolean (nullable)
  Notes: "Additional notes or description of the damage",     // String (nullable)
  SolvingUser: "Solving operator user name"                   // String (nullable)

This API will update the fields Notes and IsBlocking if the damage report is yet to be solved and the field SolvingUserName if the damage report is already solved.

The field IsBlocking is a nullable boolean, and means that the damage report is severe, and thus the vehicle has to be set as inoperative. As soon as a damage report set as not blocking - or still not set as blocking or not blocking - is updated with IsBlocking to true, the platform will set the assigned vehicle as inoperative; conversely, if the damage report has IsBlocking set to true and it is updated to false, if there are no other blocking unresolved damage reports on the vehicle it will be set as operative.

Possible errors are:

err_InvalidElement No value has been passed in the field ID, no damage report has been found for the provided ID or the damage is marked as solved and no solving user has been provided

Mark Damage Report as Solved

Sets the damage report as solved:

POST /v1/damage-reports/{id}/mark-solved

Set damage report as solved

  • id (integer) –

Status Codes

where id is the ID of the damage report to be set as solved.

This API requires a request body like this:

  Notes: "Additional notes or description of the damage", // String (nullable)
  SolvingUser: "Solving operator user name"               // String

and will automatically set the Solved field at the current date and time. If the damage report was set as blocking and there ar no other blocking unresolved damage reports on the vehicle, it will also set the vehicle as operative.

The SolvingUser field is required.

Possible errors are:

err_NotFound No damage reports has been found for the provided id

err_AlreadySolved The damage report related to the provided id has already been marked as solved

err_InvalidElement No solving user has been provided in the Json body