Vehicle - Points of Interest

The Admin interface handles web service calls from the Admin web gui. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get Point of interest

Gets details about a specific POI:

GET /v1/point-of-interest/{guid}

Gets details about a specific POI

  • guid (string) – The guid of the POI

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/point-of-interest/{guid}

Marks a POI as deleted

  • guid (string) – The guid of the POI

Status Codes
guid: Point Of Interest Guid (guid)

Returns a Json positive responde and the details of the point of interest corresponding to the guid provided in the request:

  "CreatedDate": "2020-09-14T07:25:24Z",             // DateTime
  "LastUpdated": "2020-09-14T07:25:24Z",             // DateTime
  "Name": "AGIP",                                    // String
  "ExternalKey": null,                               // String (nullable)
  "Description": "AGIP Udine",                       // String (nullable)
  "Guid": "a6c1ef6e-58c4-4ef9-8592-c0e85f40fb13",    // Guid
  "Address": "Piazza Primo Maggio",                  // String (nullable)
  "City": "Udine",                                   // String (nullable
  "ReceptionLatitude": 46.06545585848919,            // Double (nullable)
  "ReceptionLongitude": 13.236948251724245,          // Double (nullable)
  "CanRefuelElectricVehicles": false,                // Boolean
  "CanRefuelICEVehicles": true,                      // Boolean
  "Type": 0,                                         // Int (enum PointOfInterestType)
  "ID": 1                                            // Int

Value of the Type property can be one of the PointOfInterestType enumeration.

Get list of POIs

Gets a list of all points of interest:

GET /v1/point-of-interest/list

Gets a list of all POIs

Status Codes

Returns a list of all the points of interest:

    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-14T07:25:24Z",             // DateTime
    "LastUpdated": "2020-09-14T07:25:24Z",             // DateTime
    "Name": "AGIP",                                    // String
    "ExternalKey": null,                               // String (nullable)
    "Description": "AGIP Udine",                       // String (nullable)
    "Guid": "a6c1ef6e-58c4-4ef9-8592-c0e85f40fb13",    // Guid
    "Address": "Piazza Primo Maggio",                  // String (nullable)
    "City": "Udine",                                   // String (nullable)
    "ReceptionLatitude": 46.06545585848919,            // Double (nullable)
    "ReceptionLongitude": 13.236948251724245,          // Double (nullable)
    "CanRefuelElectricVehicles": false,                // Boolean
    "CanRefuelICEVehicles": true,                      // Boolean
    "Type": 0,                                         // Int (enum PointOfInterestType)
    "ID": 1                                            // Int

Value of the Type property can be one of the PointOfInterestType enumeration.

Get POIs in area

Gets a list of POIs in a rectangle:

POST /v1/point-of-interest/area

Gets a list of POIs in a rectangle

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  NorthBound: 51.51141341100053,    // Double (Required)
  EastBound:  -0.12835598354284275, // Double (Required)
  SouthBound: 51.51141341100053,    // Double (Required)
  WestBound:  -0.12835598354284275, // Double (Required)

All four points are required for the request to be valid.

If the request is successful, a Json positive response will be returned toeghether with the list of all the points of interest within the specified rectangle:

    "CreatedDate": "2020-09-14T07:25:24Z",             // DateTime
    "LastUpdated": "2020-09-14T07:25:24Z",             // DateTime
    "Name": "AGIP",                                    // String
    "ExternalKey": null,                               // String (nullable)
    "Description": "AGIP Udine",                       // String (nullable)
    "Guid": "a6c1ef6e-58c4-4ef9-8592-c0e85f40fb13",    // Guid
    "Address": "Piazza Primo Maggio",                  // String (nullable)
    "City": "Udine",                                   // String (nullable)
    "ReceptionLatitude": 46.06545585848919,            // Double (nullable)
    "ReceptionLongitude": 13.236948251724245,          // Double (nullable)
    "CanRefuelElectricVehicles": false,                // Boolean
    "CanRefuelICEVehicles": true,                      // Boolean
    "Type": 0,                                         // Int (enum PointOfInterestType)
    "ID": 1                                            // Int

Value of the Type property can be one of the PointOfInterestType enumeration.

If some of the bound point is not valorized or if there is a problem processing the request, a plain Json negative response will be returned.

Add new or edit POI

Persists edits about a new or existing POI:

POST /v1/point-of-interest

Persists edits about a new or existing POI

Status Codes

The body of the request is:

  ID: 123,                                       // Int
  Name: "Garage",                                // String
  ExternalKey: "...",                            // String (nullable)
  Address: "address of the point of interest",   // String (nullable)
  City: "London",                                // String (nullable)
  Description: "Description of the POI",         // String (nullable)
  ReceptionLatitude: 51.51141341100053,          // Double (nullable)
  ReceptionLongitude: -0.12835598354284275,      // Double (nullable)
  Type: 1,                                       // Int
  CanRefuelElectricVehicles: false,              // Boolean
  CanRefuelICEVehicles: false                    // Boolean

Value of the Type property must be one of the PointOfInterestType enumeration.

If the POI is a Refuel area (Type = 0), the values for CanRefuelElectricVehicles and CanRefuelICEVehicles should be provided. If not specified, their default value if false.

If ID (point of interest ID) is not provided or set to 0, then the request will create a new record.

If the record has been successfully added or modified, the request will return a plain Json positive answer. Otherwise a plain Json negative response will be returned.

Possible error messages are:


No Point of Interest to edit was found for the provided ID, or the provided Name is not valorized


The request is trying to add a record with different ID, that was not marked as deleted and has same Type and Name as an existing one

Delete POI

Marks a point of interest as deleted:

GET /v1/point-of-interest/{guid}

Gets details about a specific POI

  • guid (string) – The guid of the POI

Status Codes
DELETE /v1/point-of-interest/{guid}

Marks a POI as deleted

  • guid (string) – The guid of the POI

Status Codes
guid: Point Of Interest Guid (guid)

If the request is successful the corresponding point of interest will be marked as deleted and a plain Json positive response will be returned, otherwise a plain Json negative response will be returned.

Possible error messages are:


There is no record corresponding to the guid provided in the request


The corresponding record has already been marked as deleted