Business - Additional Amounts

The Mobile interface handles web service calls from the mobile APP. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all business-related mobile APIs can be downloaded here.

Get additional cost

Gets data about a specified additional cost

GET /v1/additional-costs/{id}

Gets details about a specific additional costo

  • id (integer) – The cost to retrieve data for

Status Codes

The API responds with the data of the specified additional cost:

  ID: 1,                                                  // Int
  CreatedDate: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",                     // Date
  LastUpdated: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",                     // Date
  Amount: 10.30,                                          // Decimal
  Notes: "...",                                           // String (nullable)
  TripGuid: "b5849483-ee93-4ca5-961a-6e21dc8c56dd",       // Guid
  StartLocationName: "Milan",                             // String
  StartTimestamp: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",                  // Date
  EndLocationName: "Milan",                               // String
  EndTimestamp: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",                    // Date
  TypeID: 1,                                              // Int
  CostType: 0,                                            // Int
  Labels: "{"en":"Speed Fine", ... },                     // String
  ExtUserGuid: "8a3f4177-da9f-485f-b1c3-c7c1f3085ce6",    // Guid
  PaymentID: 1,                                           // Int (nullable)
  PaymentStatus: 0,                                       // Int (nullable)
  PaymentExecutionAttemt: "2021-01-01T06:30:00Z",         // Date (nullable)
  PaymentExecutionUser: "administrator",                  // String (nullable)
  PaymentNotes: "some notes"                              // String (nullable)

where the value of CostType represent the cost macro-type, and is among the ones described in the AdditionalCostTypes enumeration, the value of PaymentStatus can is among the ones descirbed in the PaymentStatuses enumeration, and TripGuid, TypeID, ExtUserGuid and PaymentID are reference respectively to the trip the cost is related to, the cost additional cost type, the executing user of the trip and the specific payment.

Get user additional costs

Gets the paged list (see Paged List APIs) of existing additional cost for the current user

GET /v1/additional-costs/list

Gets a list of additional amount types

Status Codes

The API responds with the data of the specified additional cost:

    ID: 1,                                               // Int
    CreatedDate: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",                  // Date
    LastUpdated: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",                  // Date
    Amount: 10.30,                                       // Decimal
    Notes: "...",                                        // String (nullable)
    TripGuid: "b5849483-ee93-4ca5-961a-6e21dc8c56dd",    // Guid
    StartLocationName: "Milan",                          // String
    StartTimestamp: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",               // Date
    EndLocationName: "Milan",                            // String
    EndTimestamp: "2021-01-01 06:00:00",                 // Date
    TypeID: 1,                                           // Int
    CostType: 0,                                         // Int
    Labels: "{"en":"Speed Fine", ... }                   // String

where the value of CostType represent the cost macro-type, and is among the ones described in the AdditionalCostTypes enumeration, and TripGuid and TypeID are reference to the trip the cost is related to and its additional cost type.