Vehicle - Movement Authorities

The Mobile interface handles web service calls from the Mobile app. The base url for this is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all vehicle-related mobile APIs can be downloaded here.

Get allowed vehicle categories

Gets the list of allowed vehicle categories guid given a reservation’s base data

POST /v1/movement-authorities/allowed-categories

Gets the list of usable categories for a potential movement authority

Status Codes

The API accept a JsonBody with the following format:

  StartLocationQuery: "London Gatwick",                            // String
  EndLocationQuery: "London Heathrow",                             // String
  StartTime: "2020/01/01 10:00:00",                                // DateTime
  EndTime: "2020/01/01 11:00:00",                                  // DateTime
  ResourceGroups: ["b16eba05-725e-4491-b734-23e25e6b03fd", ...]    // Guid array

where ResourceGroups is the list of the guid of the resource groups visible to the reservation’s user. The API will return the list of allowed vehicle categories’ guid:

[ "6df1d8da-bb55-4dd1-b612-ecc9e9d1a7f6", "1eea2c3f-0ac6-4bd9-9ccb-e3ff15a5ef80", ... ]

Possible error messages are:


The start date is either not valid or is in the past


The end date is either not valid or is earlier than the start date

Get communication secret for a specific authority

Returns the communication secret for the/one of the device installed on the vehicle assigned to the movement authority

POST /v1/movement-authorities/communication-secret

Request the calculation for the communication secret for the given movement authority

Status Codes

The API accept a JsonBody with the following format:

  "MovementAuthority": "d58c982c-1ba7-434a-afe3-aad453d56003",    // Guid
  "Driver": "c2502eec-5b62-4625-a325-3c3c1b832051",               // Guid
  "Reference": "..."                                              // String
  "Force": true                                                   // Bool (nullable)

where MovementAuthority is the guid of the authority, Driver is the guid identifier of the type of box (i.e. Mobility on Cloud), Reference is a possible additional data used for the retrieval of the BT key and Force is a parameter to force the recalculation even if the BT key is already present.

The API will check if for the specified driver the authority already have a communication secret (checking the authority details). If not it will call the specific device manufacturer to retrieve a new one, and add it to the authority details. Then it will return the recalculated communication secret.

The API may respond with a plain error response if some of the mandatory data has not been provided, or one of the following error:


No authority has been found for the specified guid