Business - Articles

If the account type for this installation is “prepaid”, users can buy articles (such as minute/trip packages) to top-up their balance.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all business-related mobile APIs can be downloaded here.

List available articles

GET /v1/articles/list

Lists all available articles for this user

Status Codes

If there is an error the response will be negative without any further indications.

If positive, Data will be:

    Id: 7,                                                                 // Int
    CreatedDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                                   // DateTime
    BalanceUnit: 1,                                                        // enum
    ExtCommunityFilter: [ Guid array ],                                    // Guid Array
    SelectedCommunities: "...",                                            // String
    Name: "60 Minutes Package",                                            // String
    Labels: "{\"en\":\"60 Minutes Package\"}",                             // JSON Dictionary
    DescriptionLabels: "{\"en\":\"Package 60\",\"it\":\"Pacchetto 60\"}",  // JSON Dictionary
    WalletAmount: 60,                                                     // Decimal
    Price: 10,                                                             // Decimal
    DeletionDate: null                                                     // DateTime (nullable)

BalanceUnit can be one of the BalanceUnit enumeration.

Buying one of this article will increase the wallet with the specified BalanceUnit of WalletAmount items.

Buy an article

Allow the user to buy a package to refill its wallet

POST /v1/articles/buy

Buys a specified quantity of one article for the user

Status Codes

The API will accept a JsonBody with the following format:

  ArticleId: 5,          // Int
  Quantity: 1,           // Int
  PaymentMethodId: 3,    // Int (nullable)
  BalanceUnit: 0         // Int

where the value of the BalanceUnit property can be either Token or Currency from the BalanceUnit enumeration.

If the BalanceUnit property is set to token, PaymentMethodId will be mandatory and will refer to the user’s payment method to be used to pay via gateway.

The API will respond with a play error response if either the article was not found or the user is trying to pay in token for a token package, or with one of the following erorrs:


No ArticleId has been provided


No Quantity has been provided or has been set to zero


No BalanceUnit has been provided


No wallet has been found on the user to pay in tokens or the token balance of the wallet is less than the total cost to be payed