Core - License Documents

Users should upload a valid driving license document before being able to make reservations and perform trips with the shared vehicles.

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related mobile APIs can be downloaded here.

Get the current document

GET /v1/license-document/last

Describes the last License Document for the current user

Status Codes

The resulting object is like this:

  "ID": 40,                                              // Int
  "UserID": 5,                                           // Int
  "UserName": "",                           // String
  "Type": 0,                                             // Int
  "LicenseNumber": "aaabbb123",                          // String
  "IssuingAuthorityID": 20,                              // Int
  "IssuingAuthority": "MTCT",                            // String
  "Category": "b",                                       // String
  "EquivalentCategory": "b",                             // String
  "CreatedDate": "2019-12-18T13:12:00Z",                 // DateTime
  "IssueDate": "2019-12-01T13:11:09Z",                   // DateTime
  "ExpiryDate": "2020-05-01T12:11:11Z",                  // DateTime (nullable)
  "IsExpired": true,                                     // Boolean
  "LastValidationDate": null,                            // DateTime (nullable)
  "IsValid": true,                                       // Boolean (nullable)
  "IsDeletable": false,                                  // Boolean
  "Attachments": [
      "Guid": "dad015d7-3eb1-4068-88ee-2f9898b86add",    // Guid
      "FileName": "file name"                            // String
    { ... }
  "Notes": "",                                           // String (nullable)
  "Guid": "dad015d7-3eb1-4068-88ee-2f9898b86add"         // Guid

where the Type field can be one of the value defined in the LicenseDocumentType enumeration.

Upload a new document

POST /v1/license-document/new

Adds a new license document description on the server. This may be merged with a previous one, and may require manual validation.

Status Codes

Request body example:

  LicenseNumber: "AB678345",                                     // String
  Category: "C",                                                 // String
  IssuingAuthority: 1,                                           // Int
  IssueDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                             // DateTime
  ExpiryDate: "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z",                            // DateTime (nullable)
  Attachments: [
        Guid: '91cd7750-44dc-41ca-b6cd-b801a6cca9ec',            // Guid
        Data: "base64-encoded content of the file",              // String
        Name: "Attachment name",                                 // String
        MimeType: "application/pdf"                              // String
      { ... }

Implementing User Agents should pass data as entered by the user. In the Attachments array, photos of the license document should be stored as base64-encoded JPEG files, resized to have the longest side around 1000 pixels long. At least two photos are recommended.

The result can be a plain positive response, a positive response with details on attachment errors:

      Attachment: "91cd7750-44dc-41ca-b6cd-b801a6cca9ec",    // Guid of the attachment
      Code: "10101",                                         // Numeric code of the error
      Message: "..."                                         // Localized description of the error
    { ... }
where the error reason may be:
  • 00100: some error arose while trying to save the attachment in the storage

or a negative response with one of these messages:


No LicenseNumber or Category has been provided.


Issue or expiry date is missing


Provided issue date is in the future


Provided expiry date is in the past


No IssuingAuthority ID has been provided or no authority has been found for the provided ID.