Core - Issuing Authorities

The base url for the APIs in this page is at:


A JSON file with OpenAPI data about all core-related admin APIs can be downloaded here.

Get issuing authority list

Gets the list of issuing authorities, optionally filtered by country code:

GET /v1/issuing-authorities/list

Returns the list of issuing authority, filtered by country code if provided

Query Parameters
  • country (string) – Country code in ISO 3661 alpha-3 format

Status Codes

The API accepts the following filters in the query params: * country (country code in ISO 3661 alpha-3 format)

Returns a positive Json response with list of the issuing authorities data:

      ID: 1,                            // Int
      Name: "Motorizzazione civile",    // String
      Code: "MIT-UCO",                  // String
      CountryCode: "ITA"                // String
    { ... }

The CountryCode property value is a country code in the ISO3661 alpha-3 format.

Get country codes

Gets a list of country codes available on the database:

GET /v1/issuing-authorities/country-codes

Gets a list of country codes and labels

Status Codes

Returns a positive Json response with list of the country codes and their localized name for issuing authorities:

      Code: "AUT",
      Label: "Austria"
    { ... }

The Code property value is a country code in the ISO3661 alpha-3 format.